Metting the boys

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Gerard walked me home like the gentleman he is non stop talking about his band getting really excited his eyes lit up like a four year old child jumping around I laughed then he composed himself then wiped the stray tear on his check from me making him laugh so much " well m'lady , your stop is here , I will come and collect you in exactly 1 and a half hours he took my hand and took a bow while he was at it , my palms were getting sweaty I've never had sweaty palms like this before then he looked up , something about his eyes made my heart skip a beat then he kissed my hand and stood up normally still grasping on to my sweaty and now shaky hand he looked at my face , and moved a bit of stray hair off my face behind my ear then smiled " beautiful" he beamed a smile then went home

I. Have. Never. Felt. Like. This. Before.

I opened the door peeked through to let her know I was home to see my mom on her phone , candy crush I guessed then I walked upstairs dropping my bag on the worn down cream carpet with a few makeup stains near the dressing table I jumped onto my double bed an lay for about five minutes trying to process what just happened , I felt like I was gone throw up actual live butterflies I sat up and turned my phone on , strait to music - Ahhh green day , billie joe Armstrong , my idol , I loved him , anyway I went through my wardrobe singing along to 'American idiot' picking out some black ripped skinys and a navy and black checked top with my black doc martins and a black vest top underneath , now what to do with my hair , I know ! Leave it down and curl it , that didn't take that long , my hair was long but thin so that only took 15 minutes then I applied thick eyeliner to my smokey eyes then a dark lipstick , I was ready ! Just in time too , looked outside he was there , he changed his top to a black button up with a red tie , he looked down right hot imma be honest !
He looked up towards me , I smiled grabbed my phone " mom ! I'm just going to Gerard's be back by 10 ish ?!"
" Be careful ! "
" k mom bye ! "
I ran out locked the door and hopped on his car , he was driving an Mikey was in the back looking after the mic while in the passenger seat was a big electric guitar
"Wow... You look amazing"
"Thanks , lovin the tie" I looked at Gerard then gave him a subtle wink then before I could say anymore Mikey looked at me an said " it's a bit of the bands trademark at the minute "
" oh right , it's cool , anyway how are you ?" I asked Mikey means we don't talk much
"Yeah I'm good it's just I'm a bit nervous , we're going over our first song and I don't know weather I know the chords properly"
"I'm sure you'll be great" I said with a smile , then Gerard made a sharp stop , " we're here , Mikey u grab the mic I'll get the guitar "
Mikey nodded and grabbed the mic and jumped out holding the car door open for me I jumped out and shit the door behind me we were here , I looked round , the house was big , I liked it , and I finally spotted the open garage to see a man with a huge Afro coming towards me I actually felt welcomed with his goofy smile , he introduced himself as Ray then he pointed towards a boy with two lip piercings and a tattoo on his neck , they all looked a bit older than me and gee ( gee is short for Gerard ) but I said nothing if it , " hi !! You must be Chloe ? Well it's great to meet you I'm frank !" Before I could even say hello he already was squeezing me trapping my arms , I laughed then gee came over to prize him off me , I smiled at gee , he looked at me with a calmness in his eyes then without saying a word he sat me down in front of the band just outside the garage while gee and the rest of the boys were setting up , frank came over to me and sat down next to me 'Oh god not another hug' I thought
" I've always wanted to meet you , your jus-"
I cut him off
" always ? What do you mean always ?"
" well Gerard never bloody shits up about you , always constant about how similar an how comfortable he feels around you and how punk rock you are , he said you love piercings " he winked at me jokingly , but I just laughed as Ray called him over , but I could hear my heartbeat and breathing increased as I felt my butterflies had moved to my chest I felt quite dizzy to be honest but I wanted to watch them perform so I sat overwhelmed .

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