2. Hallow...what?!

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Two days of school she said. You will manage, she said.

What a lot of bull!

The schooldays was unbearable. During class, I was starred, hit and insulted by the other students. They were mainly from the group of this girl from yesterday. She had me targeted as her new victim to bully, since I was the 'new girl'. Not with me!

She tried to attack me with a bunch of girls in the toilet, trying to put my head inside them. Once I noticed them come closer, I grabbed the soap and threw it to the floor, making two drop to the ground. The other two, I took a hold of the mop nearby and hit them with it. Just then I knew...I went too far. I dropped it and head towards the window, leaving the school in a hurry.

Thankfully, my gut feeling was the right one, as the girl with her boyfriend went after me. I ran, like my life depends on it, towards the graveyard. Unfortunately, all of the stones weren't large enough to hide behind. My only chance was a grave, which was hidden in a corner.

"Where is she?!"

I could hear them getting closer. I swallowed hard, before opening the tiny doors, climbing inside.

"I saw here go in here!"

The girl was furious, while her boyfriend was just annoyed after the chase, "We lost her, come on babe." "I will get my hands on her, and once I do, I swear...she is going to pay for that!"

The girl was the least of my problems now, as I was falling into nothing. Seriously, how deep is that grave??? Until I feel from the sky, into a tree. I screamed at the impact, hanging now on a branch, a few feet above the ground. "Hello? Anybody? Help!!!!"

"Who are you?"


It was the voice of a young girl...followed by two boys. "I could say to same to you" I said, hanging upside down. "We are the trick-or-treaters...Lock" "Shock" "Barrel."

"Okay, all I can see is a witch, a skeleton and a devil costume...and the other way around."

The skeleton boy pointed a finger at me, "And you are a witch, which probably feel off her broom, right? How stupid!"


They got me off the branch and gave me time to inspect myself. I was wearing some kind of witch costume, including the hat...and the so-called-broom was also nearby. "Thank you for getting me down."

Instead of a reply, they all raised their hands to me, opening their palms.


"Our reward!" said the devil, demanding something horribly sweet of me.

"I have no candy, sorry" I said, looking concerned.

The children backed away a little to discuss something, before coming towards me. "We decided..." said the little witch; you can work for Oogie boogie to pay off the reward."


"Oogie Boogie!" the three said, rather angry. "He is the scariest of all in Halloween town!"


The three looked at me in disbelief, as the skeleton spoke up, "You are not from around here are you?"

"I ...ahm..."

"What are you doing here?!!!"

"Run!!!" I had no idea of what just happened, as the kids ran off and another figure came towards me. He looked funny...a triangle shaped figure with two heads and a massive cylinder...and here I thought I was the one, wearing crazy hats.

"Finally I found you, you are late!"

Late? Late for what? "Excuse me, but what am I late for?" I jumped, as his head changed to a scary one, yelling at me, "Your performance with Jack, how can anyone forget that?!" I had no idea who this Jack was, but the man grabbed me rather tight and dragged me towards the gates of a huge graveyard.

I didn't feel well about this....where the hell am I???

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