15. A nightmare comes true

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My mother gave me a kiss on my cheek.

She was so happy to work today, while chanting around "One day until Holiday!" it got worse as Dad joined in. "Okay you two, just get a move on!" my parents know how to annoy me and teased me a little more before leaving.

Finally I was alone!

I got my cereal out and ate, while watching the latest news on the television. So far it was nothing, like the last three days. Nowadays the visit to Halloween Town feels like a bad nightmare now, like it had never happened for real. I finished my bowl and dropped it into the sink, as I heard something outside, heading towards the window. It was the group of bullies from my school, they were running away from something couldn't see. They seem to be terrified, as their screams where high pitched, like their life is on the line. I found it ridiculous and left the window, watching the news again.

What I just seen on the TV couldn't be happening!

"An hour ago, the police received several calls of unusual incidents, which could resemble a horror movie. The officer of our town said, that they didn't had such a commotion since Christmas day last year, where a skeleton, dressed up as Santa Clause was terrorizing the town. Now two days before Christmas and this terror is happening again? What is going on in this town and what can we do about it?"

I froze on the spot. It couldn't be! Another scream made my jump up, as I ran to the windows again. Now I could see a bunch of children running away from something...covered with fur. Elsewhere were witches flying around, scaring mothers and their babies. I wanted to get to the bottom of this; I grabbed my coat and left the flat. The closer I got to the creatures, the more I realized...I know them! The bullies were chased by vampires. Before they could get near them, I stopped the blood sucker "What are you doing here?!" The vampires seem to be irritated.

"We want to suck your blood!" they began.

"Stop it! Get yourself some blood from the market...like you always do!"

"What market?" they all asked.

"The one in Halloween Town!"

Now they entire attention was on me "How do you know Halloween Town?!" They got more curious as I mentioned Jack, Sally and other citizens. I asked them of why they came to the human world and why they scare people here.

"We were told to do this for two day before Christmas. Got to the human world and show humans how true fear feels."

"But Halloween is on October the 31st not before Christmas! Who gave you this idea?"

I didn't like their answer though "Oogie boogie, the new leader of Halloween Town."

"What did Jack say to this?"

"He lives in exile now, Ooogie's orders. Sorry N/A but we really have to carry on our work."

"Wait! How did you get here?"

One vampire pointed to the graveyard "Another door was created for us to enter this world; it will be closed once the two days are over."

"Thank you guys!" I ran back to the flat, grabbed my doll outfit and headed towards the graveyard. I went into the new door...and fell deep, till I was on at a different tombstone, with a sight of a curly hill, surrounded by pumpkins. I moaned out in frustration, as I looked down on me.

"Are you kidding me???" the doll dress, was replaced...by a witch costume, including a broom.

The nightmare after Christmas (Jack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now