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IT WAS BRIGHT out in the large planet of Pandora, the bright blue sky being evident within the air as the planet floated in outer space just close to Earth

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IT WAS BRIGHT out in the large planet of Pandora, the bright blue sky being evident within the air as the planet floated in outer space just close to Earth. The sounds of soldiers running footsteps could be heard as the men held guns in their hands, masks over their faces while they prepared themselves for the day and the many other days that were to come during their life on the jungle planet.

Machines could be seen and heard just when a ship landed on the ground in the spot of land that the humans had decided to take over, a fence protecting them from the jungle around and the creatures out there. The science labs were quite crowded with scientists and doctors as they did their daily work, the beeping and tapping of computers being heard all around.

In one particular room, pods could be seen practically all around the room with many computers in the middle of them, scientists staring right at the computers as the Avatar drivers were coming back from being in their Avatar bodies. The lids of the pods were soon opening up, letting the drivers come back to their human bodies as they all sat up, stretching out their limbs since their bodies had been laying in the pods for quite a while.

Doctor Grace Augustine moved her head around, feeling her neck crack while swinging her legs over, her loud voice soon demanding about her cigarette and lab coat. Once she got her cigarette, it laid in between her lips while she put the coat on, ready to go and find the only person she cared about on this planet.

Meanwhile, Doctor Max Patel found himself leading two new Avatar drivers, Jake Sully and Norm Spellman, towards the woman to introduce her to them. Using the strength in his arms, Jake kept up with the two men as he continued rolling along in his wheelchair, glancing around the place in fascination as he remembered his brother had studied just to come here for quite a long time to.

"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany." Norm rambles.

"Well, that's cause she likes plants better than people, other than her daughter." Max comments just when they reach the woman. "Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully."

"Norm. I hear good things about you." Grace recalls, taking off her glasses. "How's your Na'vi?"

"Awvea ultxari ohengeya, Nawma Sa'nok lrrtok siveiyi." Norm replies in Na'vi.
(May the Great Mother smile upon our first meeting)

Grace hums, nodding. "Tsun tivam. Ayli'u ngian ni'it skepek lu."
(Not bad. You sound a little formal, though)

"Zisit amrr ftolia ohe, sla zene fko nivume nitxan." Norm states.
(I studied for five years, but there is much to learn)

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