𝟒| 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤

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It was dark outside on the planet of Pandora, the Na'vi walking around close to their homes as they did what they usually do for the time being before they'd head off to bed. The floating mountains stood in the same spots they had been in for many, many years on the much larger planet. Jake had learned much more about the Omaticaya clan and how to be like one of them.

He had gotten much better at learning their language, he had created a bond with his own banshee, learned how to hunt the many animals there were on the planet and many more things that the Na'vi do in their daily lives, and he was almost a pro by now. He was close to being one of the Na'vi and being accepted by the Omaticaya clan.

Inside the bunker, Y/n found herself sitting at the table near the pods as she drank some water, her tired eyes staying open in the dark around. Just earlier, she had been in her avatar body after Jake had been able to convince the Omaticaya clan to let Grace and Y/n in and the children were very fond of both of them.

The others in the bunker were sleeping peacefully, other than Grace as she worked on something before heading to bed. Y/n looked over when one of the pods opened up, seeing Jake was sitting up as he was now out of his avatar body. Over the past few months, both had changed during that time.

Jake had grown a beard since most of the time he spent it in his avatar body, and both had lost weight. The man looked at the teenager in confusion when he noticed her, wondering why she was awake late at night while she brought his wheelchair towards the pod, grunting at the pain in her head when she stood up.

Jake pulled himself off the pod and into his chair, grabbing his legs and moving them down as Y/n sat back down, sighing while taking a drink of her water. Jake wheeled himself to the end of the table, taking the food that Y/n had pushed towards him, considering he wasn't taking care of his body as much because he was almost always in his avatar body.

"How was today?" Y/n asks, making conversation.

Jake shrugs, taking a bite of the food. "Well, um... got chased by the great leonopteryx. And Neytiri told me about someone called Toruk Makto. But anyway, what about you? How was your day, kid?"

"Probably not as exciting as yours. I spent most of my time with the kids when I was in there." Y/n tells him, motioning to the pods beside them. "I was able to connect with an ikran, and ride her. It was pretty fun."

Jake smiles, nodding. "Yeah, it is pretty fun."

There was a silence between the two as Jake took a couple more bites of the food, neither of them saying a word while Y/n let out a sigh, resting her chin in her hands while looking around the bunker they had been staying in for a couple months now.

As he chewed on the food she gave him, Jake found himself examining the teenage girl. She looked quite a bit different than the very first time he had seen her. Her skin was more paler than usual, her health becoming worse and worse each day and even though no one mentioned it, they all knew it.

"Why are you up so late?" Jake questions, glancing down at his watch.

"I couldn't sleep." Y/n admits. "Figured I'd draw to make myself tired. It hasn't been working."

Humming a bit, Jake glanced down at her notebook that she always drew in, raising a brow at her as he silently questioned if he could look through it. He watched as she only nodded, pushing it towards him. Taking it in his hands, the man opens up the book as his blue eyes look at the drawing on the paper.

Y/n stayed silent as she watched him turn the pages on her notebook, staring at the drawings of the nature in Pandora, the many different types of animals, the Omaticaya clan and many other things she's seen throughout her life on Pandora.

A smile etches on Jake's face as he stared as some drawings of little Na'vi children playing a game with one another, the drawing like all the other ones being very realistic, even if it was just made by a pencil or a pen.

"These are really good, kiddo." Jake comments with a smile. "You have really great talent here. Man, you'll have to show me how to do this sometime."

As he glances up at her, he stops at the sight of her eyes closed, head resting on her arms as she was now sleeping soundly at the table. Smiling softly, Jake closes up the book, remembering how she'd always try to hide her drawings whenever someone asked what she was doodling on the book before he was wheeling over to her.

Using the strength in his arms, he picked her up and laid her on his lap while her head rested on his shoulder as he wheeled in the direction of the beds once he had the machine she always had in his hands. When he laid her down on her bottom bunk, he moved a piece of her hair out of her eyes while tucking the blanket over her body with a small smile.

"Goodnight, kiddo."

* * *

The sun was slowly beginning to set within the planet of Pandora, the brightness somewhat shining through the trees and down on the Omaticaya clan as the crowd of the Na'vi sat around, waiting for the ceremony to welcome their new member of the clan after months and months of being taught by Neytiri. Within the crowd, Y/n could be seen sitting with some children as she told them a story with a smile on her face.

However, her voice went quiet when she caught sight of Jake walk up and out from behind the large tree. The clan all around stood up, their eyes on him as he had white paint on his face and body. The teenage girl rose to her feet as well, the children around her doing the same while they rushed to their parents. Y/n walked forward until she was beside her mother, both of the females exchanging a glance while they watched Jake looked around at the crowd.

The man made eye contact with the teenager, receiving a small smile from her, to which he smiled back before he was walking down with Neytiri trailing behind him. After about a minute or so, the mother and daughter stood just a bit near the back of the small crowd while the Na'vi stood all around their new clan member, who stood in front of the two leaders of the Omaticaya clan, Eytukan and Mo'at, the parents of Neytiri.

The said female stood just a bit beside Jake with her betrothed, Tsu'tey, beside her as Jake and Eytukan stared at one another while everyone around waited for their leader to speak. Grace smiled a bit as she realized how far Jake had come ever since he had first landed in Pandora, not knowing anything about the Omaticaya clan or the Na'vi in general and now here he was, months of being taught and he was becoming one of them.

"Ngenga 'itan Omatikayaa luyu set. Na'viya luyu hapxi." Eytukan announces in Na'vi.
(You are now a son of the Omaticaya. You are part of the People)

With that, he was placing his hands on Jake's shoulders, Neytiri following her father while putting her hands on his arms, causing him to look at her with a smile. Everyone else followed in suit as they placed their hands on the new member, others behind them touching the people in front of them.

From at the back of the crowd, Grace wrapped her arm around her daughter's shoulders, pulling her close against her as she feels tears at the peacefulness of their interaction. Y/n rests her head on her mother's shoulder, wrapping her arm around her torso as she felt the older woman place a kiss on top of her daughter's head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now