𝟐| 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝

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IT WAS BRIGHT outside on Pandora as the many humans and Na'vi moved around in the places they always stayed at, loud sounds coming all around from the base full of soldiers and scientists

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IT WAS BRIGHT outside on Pandora as the many humans and Na'vi moved around in the places they always stayed at, loud sounds coming all around from the base full of soldiers and scientists. The trees around the jungle were tall, the wind blowing by that caused the leaves to move in one direction that the air was blowing in.

The many creatures all around the jungles that had been created a long, long time ago could be seen as they minded their own business in the different nature of the planet. In the sky, some occasional helicopters could be seen as the soldiers were heading back to base after looking around above the forests all around and the ocean waves in hopes of finding something before they'd come back once they didn't.

One certain helicopter could be seen flying above the jungle, the flying vehicle being flown by one of the best pilots out of the many on Pandora, Trudy Chacon. Inside the helicopter, Y/n was happily in her Avatar body as she sat on the ledge beside her mother with Jake, Norm and another soldier who was only wearing a mask across from them.

Grace took a glance towards her daughter, smiling at the bright smile on the teenager's face as she looked around at all the nature. It hadn't been often she was allowed to go outside the fence and into the jungle, unless she was with her mother but even then.

Trudy was flying the helicopter above the tall trees before she was moving it down and a bit away from the many waterfalls. Y/n smiles as she listens to Jake let out a loud cheer, the pilot of them all chuckling at the sound as she glances over her shoulder at them while continuing on towards their destination.

Y/n closes her eyes, taking in the feeling of the air hitting her face while taking a deep breath. Soon enough, Trudy was putting the helicopter down, shutting it off when Grace told her to while they all hopped out of the vehicle. Y/n trailed behind Jake, who had been the first to head forward as they started trenching into the jungle.

Grace was right behind her daughter, their tails all swinging back and forth as they walked, their ears occasionally twitching at any loud sounds of nature that could be heard all around. Jake tightened the grip on the gun he was holding when he heard loud sounds above them, seeing some Prolemuris swinging from tree to another tree above them. When his yellow eyes made eye contact with one of them, he raised the weapon a bit just in case if they were to attack.

"Prolemuris. Jake, they're not aggressive." Y/n assures, but he doesn't seem to ease up.

Grace pushes the gun downwards. "Relax, marine. You're making me nervous."

The doctor was then to one to take the lead as they continued going further and further into the forests. Y/n found herself venturing beside Norm with Jake right behind them, the Sully man looking around and upwards, moving the gun with him in case anything were ready to attack him or the people in front of him, not knowing what type of creatures were out in the jungle with them, considering this was his first time out.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now