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THE SUN WAS bright and shining down on the many living things on the planet called Pandora

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THE SUN WAS bright and shining down on the many living things on the planet called Pandora. About a day had gone by since the battle in the forest against the Omaticaya clan, many more Na'vi and the sky people and things had been taken over by the Omaticaya people, something that the sky people didn't like one bit but they were much stronger than them.

It was loud all around in the makeshift base that the humans had made a long, long time ago. The sounds of nature could be heard all around on the large planet, the roars of the banshees echoing around and adding to the many other chatters that were coming from the base full of the Na'vi and the humans all together.

The sky people found themselves wearing their masks over their faces, bags in hand as they headed towards the ships. On either sides of the lines, making sure they wouldn't try anything as they all held weapons in their hands, the Na'vi watched as the lineup continued moving ahead.

Y/n stood in between Neytiri and Norm, Jake on the other side of his mate and Max on the other side of Norm. Some other of the Omaticaya people were sitting on their direhorses while they glared at their enemies while banshees could be seen flying around in the background as the humans glanced at the tall blue people beside them.

"The aliens went back to their dying world. Only a few were chosen to stay."

Pursing her lip as she watched the sky people with narrowed eyes, Y/n made eye contact with a man she remembers her mother always arguing with when he did something that she wasn't told of beforehand. Selfridge had his hands in the pockets of his pants calmly while looking between the group that were staying until his eyes stopped on the teenager in her avatar body.

When they made eye contact, he noticed the hard expression on her face, something he hasn't ever seen on her before. Jake noticed the teenage girl clenching her jaw and he moved his head in the direction of the ship when him and Selfridge made eye contact, gesturing for the man and the others around him to hurry it up.

"The time of great sorrow was ending. Toruk Makto was no longer needed."

* * *

The sun was slowly beginning to set on the very large planet, the science labs all around on the base being quiet as no doctors, scientists or soldiers could be seen anywhere whatsoever. The screens were still on with words and pictures being seen on it, but the two people inside didn't take notice of that.

Sitting beside the pod he had been in for a long time whenever he was in his avatar, Jake looked around the place with a sigh before he was wheeling himself over to the camera he had been speaking into for the past couple months, reaching over and turning it on while resting his elbows on the desk. The man took a deep breath in, knowing that he wouldn't have to go in a pod to be in his avatar for much longer.

"Well, I guess this is my last video log. Cause whatever happens tonight, either way, I'm..." Jake starts, stopping as he looks around the lab. "I'm not gonna be coming back to this place."

"Jake!" A voice calls out to him.

Stopping his speaking for a second as he looks over his shoulder, he watches as Y/n slowly makes her way over, ignoring the pain she currently had in her head and her body as she gave him a look. Realizing it was time to go, Jake only nods before motioning for her to come over, to which she does while he pulls out a chair. Helping her sit down, Y/n looks to the camera to see her face on the screen beside them as he gently pats her back.

"Well, I guess I'd better go." Jake continues to the camera, looking towards her. "We don't wanna be late for our own party."

Y/n smiles tiredly, nodding. "Yeah, it's our birthday, after all."

Jake chuckles, looking back to the camera. "This is Jake Sully and Y/n Augustine signing off."

And with that, he reached over and turned the camera off, leaving the man and teenager to look at one another with small smiles on their faces. Standing up with the help of Jake, Y/n walked along side the man as much as she could as they ventured towards the exit. However, the teenager stops when they reached it to look back at the room she had many memories in before she walked out with Jake. She was ready to get out of this body.

* * *

The brightness of the moonlight that was high up in the nighttime sky on the planet of Pandora was one of the only lights that could be seen from the Omaticaya clan, other than the lights that were currently coming from the Tree of Souls on the said tree and on the ground all around that glowed every couple of seconds.

The sounds of the wind blowing around could be heard, adding to the many other sounds of the nature on the planet, the different types of animals being seen in the forests as they ran around by themselves or with their families, trying to hunt their prey like they usually did when it was nighttime out on Pandora, their growls and roars being heard all around the forest.

All around on the ground in front of the Tree of Souls, the Omaticaya people sat with their legs crossed as they rocked the top of their bodies around, chanting loudly with their spiritual leaders. At the front, Y/n could be seen sitting with Neytiri, the teenager now permanently in her avatar form.

The two females were sitting by Jake's human form, his avatar body laying right beside him as the plant underneath their bodies wrapped around the two bodies while they laid limp in front of the Na'vi. Y/n and Neytiri exchanged a glance just when the older female called out to her mother.

"Lu hasey." Mo'at announces.

The crowd all came to a stop at their cheering, their bodies moving still as their curious eyes looked forward, wondering if it had worked or not like it did with the girl. Y/n reaches over and takes the mask off of Jake's face, watching as Neytiri leaned down and pressed gentle kisses to his eyelids.

The teenager stood up, moving to his avatar body with Neytiri right beside her. While both of them leaned over him, Neytiri brought her four fingered hand to cup the side of his cheek while Y/n had her hand resting on his shoulder, waiting for a few seconds until it finally happened.

His eyes opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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