chapter 1. the begining

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Would it be weird if said that the wall is edible?

Oh wait-*cough*right-*cough*cough- uhh- sorry for the weird thought, long short, my cousin caught me in 4k. Y'know when parents find out your dating a guy? Well she's gonna do the same. "You're not in love with someone, right?" She said as her bangs covered her eyes with a shadow.

"Of course not! Why would I!" I said and sweat starts dripping like a waterfall down my face.

"We-" she said but got cut off by ✨me✨.

"A-ahaha, well bc I saw something funny that made me laugh a lot and make my face red" I said trying to convince her. " I- hey I got you a new Barbie doll! Do you want it?" I said trying to get out of that topic. " Yes yes yes! A million times yes!!" She said excitedly, she always had a thing for Barbies, so did I but I stopped playing with them. 'that is the ugliest shit I've ever seen'. " Here" I said as I handed her a pretty barbie. " Yay! Thank you n/n!" " Your welcome Chum" I said, it was a nickname I gave her, her name is too long.

" Chutsuki! It's time to go!" Her mom says, now my anxiety has rised. I hate being alone with my family for certain reason, but I know she can't stay here forever. " Coming! Bye Y/n!" " Bye Chum" I said as I wave at her goodbye feeling scared of my safety. I know she can't stay here bc she looks like me a lot but if it's for her safety, then it's worth it.

'i have to give the homework to the teacher today . . . Or else she won't give me the points . . .' I thought as I was preparing to go to the school to give my homework to the teacher, I put my shoes on and leave the house.

'is it a good idea to do it now? I could have done it yesterday but I didn't . . .' I stop in my tracks and I think again 'big brother told me to get groceries before dad gets home, if I don't then I'll receive another punishment . . .' I thought as I stop when the cars where passing by. I decided to play Danganronpa 1 for the 17th time this month. But while playing the game someone push me into the road making me look to the side only to see that truck-kun was about to hit me . . .

'oh shi-'


'ow, that hurt more than I expected' I thought as I look up with my bloody head, one of my eyes closed because it hurt to much 'aw man! My lifespan ended before the demon slayer season 3 came out' I thought with a tired pout made it way to my lips, I looked to the side wall I was gonna cross only to see the person who pushed me. It was Minato, the most popular boy in school, he confessed to me Infront of the whole school a few days ago but I rejected him, he used to be one of those bully's the hurt you to get closer to you,I don't like does types of people, looks like he took revenge on me for rejecting him. I started to hear sirens and red light, then I say big brother above me with a worried look, "oni-chan . . .?" I said to him as I turned my head to him but got stop by him "don't move your head! It'l make it worse" he shouted at me as a few tears slipped down his face. "Wait!!! Please! Don't leave me! Please don't be! . . . The seventh death in a row . . ." 'oni-chan . . . Was worried about me?' I thought. My answer, a whisper soft as he lowered his head. "Take care of Chum . . . I'm sorry, your sister is already dead . . ." 'i should have ate a lolipop'  I thought as I closed my eyes, hearing my brother tell me to stay awake.

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