𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩.𝟓 🦎🖕𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝?🖕🦎

137 2 4

(Watch the video on top when told please, watch on 13:14 / 19:35 for sound and tone)

-talking: "can you give me a phone?"
-thinking:'can you give me a phone?'

Date:Wednesday, August 17, 2023
Time: 10:34


-mention of death
-mention of rape
-mention of abuse


-3rd Person's POV:


A voice said, as running footsteps could be heard across the hallway. And that voice and footsteps belongs to a certain blue hair girl, it's been a few day's since sayaka started calling Y/n her wife, but every time sayaka tries to hug or touch y/n, Leon quickly grabs her and takes her away from her.

I guess you could say that Leon doesn't like or trust her, hehe, I guess you could say he doesn't hate but he despite her.

Anything she does, he will hate. If sayaka calls someone by their last name then Leon will call that person by their first name, but if sayaka likes ice cream like y/n, then he will like ice cream like y/n, he's just being complicated.

Sayaka quickly hugged y/n and pressed her cheek against y/n's soft one before Leon could catch her. Leon quickly grabbed sayaka by the collar and tried to get her off of y/n but sayaka clinged onto y/n like a koala.

"Did you miss me y/n? Leon keeps trying to separate me from you but he won't stop me!" Sayaka said as she continues to cling onto y/n.

"Get off her you psychotic b!tch!" Leon said with makoto behind him trying to stop him with word. "Leon, please don't call her that" y/n said as she hugged sayaka back. "I agree with y/n" makoto said. "Leon can you stop chocking her? She's turning blue" makoto said with sweat coming out of his forehead. It was indeed true, sayaka was slowly losing her breath from the collar being pulled back.

"Kyaaaaa!? Sayaka!?" Y/n said as sayaka fainted and fell onto y/n making her fall back. "Sayaka!? Sayaka!? Don't die on me!" I said and I got an alcohol from my bag, put it in a tissue paper and put it close to her nose to make her wake up.

Soon sayaka smelled the alcohol scent, she immediately shot up by the disgusting sense of the  alcohol that had been on my bag.

"I CAN BREATH!" Sayaka yelled at she sat up before she shot her finger at Leon. "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME YOU!  . . . YOU! . . .UHH- YOU LIZARD!" Sayaka yelled at Leon while thinking of a name to call him.

". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

"Did you just call me a lizard?"

Leon said while looking dumbfounded at sayaka.

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