𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩. 𝟑 🏳️‍🌈𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐲🏳️‍🌈

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Speaking: "I forgot"
Thinking: 'I forgot'

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2023
Time: 7:43




-Toko's POV:

Today I woke feeling something soft touching my neck, everytime I moved, it tickles me. I was also hugging something, and it was also soft and small, 'I don't recall having a teddy bear here or sleeping with one' I thought as I look down, seeing the same person I have slept with for 3 days, y/n. Y/n has been asking me if she could sleep me me, I always ended up saying yes cause I saw nothing wrong with it and the chances of us getting killed will be very low since she's a light sleeper.

I decided that I was gonna let her sleep more so I got out of bed, got my clothes, and went to the bathroom, I didn't want her to see me naked when she wakes up, I brushed my teeths and got out of the bathroom to see that she was waking up, she looked at me and smiled, "good morning toko" she said in a calm tone but also a sleepy tone. "G-Good morning" I said.

I look at the clock to see that it was 7:56 a.m, I look back to y/n, she still had the onesie on with the hood off, her hair was out of it's hairstyle (ignore if your hair doesn't have a hairstyle), her tired eye looking down at the ground, her lips slightly agape, she looks . . . Like an angel. I kept looking at her with flushed cheeks without knowing. She then looked at me and made we made eye contact, it was like, the whole word around us stopped, but after a few moments, she tilted her head with a confused expression.

"Are you ok, toko? You've been staring at me for a while" she said with her confused expression, honestly it made her look cuter. "Uhh- y-yeah, I'm G-Good" I stuttered while looking the other way. 'god that was so embarrassing!' I thought while more heat made it's way to my face. She seemed to shrug it off and d coded to get ready for today.

Y/n's POV:

From what I can tell Toko seems to be busy thinking about togami, whenever she thinks about togami she blushes a lot, honestly I'm kinda jealous of him, he gets to have toko and I get to have trunk-kun, I decided to get changed for today, since I always forget to bring my own clothes but I never went to my dorm to get extra clothes so I just have to wear the ones I wore yesterday and then I go to my dorm to change into actual clean clothes. I went to the bathroom to get ready and brush my teeths but since I also didn't bring my toothbrush I'll just have to use my finger.

While doing that, the monokuma morning announcement went on.

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 8 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

The monokuma morning announcement said. Sometimes I wish it didn't exist, and one thing I noticed was that is woke us up at 8, and it was originally 7, oh well, more time to sleep I guess.

After sometime, me and toko went to the cafeteria, getting lost a bunch of times but who cares? As long as there's food.
I wasn't to surprised when I saw taka there with an angy expression, this dude could be the dad that makes his children respectful, "where are the rest!?" Taka shouted very angry "they're probably g-getting ready taka" I said while looking at him. "We were supposed to be here 8 am sharp!" Taka shouted again "but . . . No one said that we had to be here at that hour" I replied, taka just huffed at looked away.

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