Chapter 2. "I'm not a kid!"

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thoughts: 'im no kid!'
speaking: "I'm no kid!"


Time: 8:00

Date: Monday, August 9, 2023


-Y/n's POV:

"You guys are all idiots! A kid nor a third grader has boobs that big" a familiar voice said belonging to a girl with blonde hair, tied up into two ponytails,a bunny hair pin on her right ponytail and a red and white bow on her left ponytail, a revealing black shirt with a white tie around her chest, a short red skirt that reached almost the end of the tie, and black boots. There would be no doubt that, that is 'Junko Enoshima'.

Just as she said that, they started to look at my chest, confirming what she said was true. I was getting anxious, I didn't like people looking at me like that, it makes me uncomfortable. I try to cover my body with my hands feeling insecure about myself "it is forbidden to look at a girl or woman like that no matter the cause, so stop staring at her like that or I will report you all too for sexual harrasment!" Taka shouted, not taking a single glance at my body.

"Jeez man chill" 'junko' said

You silently thanked him, being to shy to say it too him in higher volume. Thankfully he heard it and nodded. "However I will make one thing clear for you and Makoto! Your tardiness is unacceptable! Surely you were aware the meeting was to start at 8 a.m. sharp!" Taka told makoto and I, "To be late on your first day is unspeakable! I must report you, and you must accept your due punishment!" Taka shouted again "what's your problem? It's not like he *wanted* to be late. They didn't have any control of it" Junko defended both me and Makoto from getting reported     "everyone just calm down! Listen, why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves?" Aoi said, wanting to get to know us all.

"The hell?! Now's no time for friggin' introductions!" Mondo said, disagreeing with aois idea " maybe, but it may be good to at least find out who we all are before digging into the bigger problem here" Celestia said "I mean, how are we supposed to talk to each other if we do not even know each other's names?" "That's a good point. . ." Chihiro stated "ok, so let's get introductions out of the way, the we can move on whatever else. Sounds good?" Sayaka said wanting it get over with.

I look around trying to see who to introduce myself to first, but makoto was faster at it.

"hey, I never got you name, I'm Makoto Naegi, the ultimate lucky student, what about you?" Makoto spoke wanting to know more about me 'huh? The protagonist is talking to me first? But what ultimate am i? Just tell him your name and a random talent' "m-my name is Y/n L/n a-and I'm the u-ultimate simp" I said stuttering 'the ultimate simp? Really?' I thought "the ultimate simp? That's cool!" Makoto said. "r-really? I-I think your t-talent is cool too" I said "thank you" makoto said " your not a kid, right?" Makoto asked me hoping he doesn't become a pedo "no, I'm not a kid, I'm 16" I said frowning "right, sorry for asking" makoto said "it's alright, people mistake me for a kid a lot" I said "I hope we can become great friends makoto" "same here" makoto said, after he said that, we just stood there in an awkward silence waiting for one of us to continue, I wasn't really good with conversation unless I'm really close to them, I also like personally space if they even know what it is. "So, y/n, want to meet every one together?" He said.

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