Chapter 1 - Spanish and Stanley

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This class seemed to never end and god, did Saffron Evans need to piss so bad. Why did she have to have her least favourite class last period on the last day of their last year of middle school? The ticking of that stupid overly colourful clock seemed to slow down to exactly match the noise of red converse softly hitting the floor in annoyance.

She continued tapping a foot against the cold wooden floor, arms placed conveniently on the desk, leaning forward in a way that would hopefully distract from the burning sensation in her lower back.

This was all going well until a high pitched, intolerant, whiny little voice spoke "Miss Evans? Donde vives?" What?  What does that mean?  "Erm, I think-" Putting a boney finger up in the air, the woman began making obnoxious shushing noises at the poor girl "Español, por favor."

Getting the hint, Saffron looked up at the list of carefully placed quotes translating from Spanish to English and found what was needed. "It's, uh, Vivo.. en Derry?" She stuttered out, sounding slightly unsure on the last word, as if she wasn't even sure where she had grown up and lived for the past 13 years of her life. "Gracias, Miss Evans."

Thank god.

The usually quiet girl changed her routine from tapping her foot to tapping the scratched desk in front of her; 35 seconds.

She, with a scabbed hand, traced over some of the initials and curses placed messily upon the table, and then it came into view. A large S+S was on the far right side of the desk.

Biting her lip to repress a smile, Saffron reminisced on all the things that were felt when her last pencil was ruined in order to do that.

That was when it was heard, the loud, consistent ringing of the bell that could potentially deafen you if it caught you off guard. But to the impatient student sat at her desk, it almost made her cry out of happiness due to it seemingly waiting upon the last possible moment to come.

Abruptly pushing her chair away from the desk, she grabbed all her workbooks and pencil case and instantly began pushing her way through the familiar corridor towards the girls bathroom.

Upon entering, Saffron waved a quick hello to the girl next to her in RPSE before going to one of the free stalls, doing all that business and well, the rest then swiftly getting up and going towards the mirror.

Hearing a loud groan and a door being kicked, Saffie turned around only to be met with a cold glare from the one and only Greta Keene, perfect.

Greta and majority of the female population at Derry Middle School, don't really mix, especially her and Saffron.

Greta seemed to always have some fun little remark about the smaller girl, her main line being that she wasn't desirable enough as she supposedly 'didn't have the body or the face for it, couldn't be a stripper if she tried.' ( Richie had overheard this conversation while trying to innocently get Eddie an apple from the lunch hall and had reported it back to his friends later, this of course had caused an uncomfortable silence to be placed over the lunch table ).

Mentally praying for whoever Greta had found she desperately needed to torment today, Saffron tried to play it off by looking in her bag for her history book.

Then Greta spoke up again, "Are you in there by yourself, Beaverly or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh slut?" Ha, that gave her quite an idea of who it was today. Beverly Marsh.

Beverly is in Saffron's Social studies class, and she always seemed to roll her eyes or scoff whenever the girl answered a question, its fine though, Saff did seem to put her hand up a lot during that class.

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