Chapter 7 - Romance and Radios

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It was late at night, around 11ish and Saffron Evans was sat on the end of her bed humming along to Billy Joel's 'Uptown Girl' and painting her nails for the first time. She was using a bottle of red nail polish Richie had stolen from his mother for her last birthday.

But right now, it wasn't that much of a joke to her. So, as she slid the brush across her nail, she stuck her tongue out in concentration, hoping to finally get it right this time; but as soon as she looked up into her mirror that had been drawn over in black sharpie by her friends, she saw that it looked terrible, much like the first did and much like the last would.

While aggressively rubbing the red paint off her fingernail, Saffie heard the familiar ring of the house phone, her head perking up in confusion. Who was calling at this time?

She didn't want to wake her father as he had an early shift tomorrow, so she placed the crimson bottle down and tiptoed into the kitchen of their bungalow, feet barely grazing the floor.

Answering the phone, she was pleasantly surprised at who's voice came out the other end, but more surprised overall.

"S-saff?" Stan sniffled, his voice seeming similar to the night his father had called him a 'no good bastard' and slapped him for being 27 minutes past curfew, cold and lost. "Stan? Are you alright, what happened?" She asked, jumping up onto the counter in preparation for letting him rant to her. "Just.. Can you come o-over?" He basically whispered, tripping over his words in a rush to get them out.

Saffron glanced around at the room. "I can't, Stan. You know how messy my neighbourhood is, and its even more dangerous at night. 'Specially with Richie roaming around somewhere." She joked, emitting a soft chuckle from Stan. "Plus, I'm not properly dressed for wandering around at night. You can come here if you want?" She suggested, tapping the counter she was sat on.

"Yeah, I'll uh.. I'll be there in fifteen." He stammered out, slightly anxious about walking through the part of town she lived in at night, although he knew it was much better than her walking.

"'Kay, love you, bye." She said, jumping of the counter and grabbing a slice of bread. "Love you, see you soon." Stan hesitatingly spoke, anxious about putting the phone down and not hearing her reassuring voice in his ear.

But he knew he had to otherwise it would have been odd, so he placed the phone back on the wall and, as silently as he could, began to get ready to leave.

Around 16 or so minutes later, a quiet knock was heard on the Evans' front door, Stan had knocked as softly as he could despite the urgency of the situation as he knew Alan would be asleep by now.

Anxiety overwhelmed his body as he stared down at the flowers he and Saffie had planted together in May, but all of the nerves disappeared when the door opened and a worried looking Saffron was revealed, clad in a tank top and pyjama shorts that made Stan blush as he engulfed her in a hug, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers went to his neck, fiddling with his curls.

He had always hated people touching his hair, so goddamn much, even his own mother. But when Saffie did it, he just melted into her touch, basically begging for her to keep doing it. "What happened, Stanny?" And that nickname, he wanted to scream when other people said it, but let her claim the word as her own.

"Let's go to my room. Get you some sleep, yeah?" He nodded his head, face still buried into her neck as she walked backwards towards her room, cradling his head as she did so.

She dropped down onto her bed, opening her arms inviting him to crawl into them, him gladly accepting. And for the first 10 minutes, they laid there, tangled in each others arms, content as could be.

"He did it again, he hit me. Said I was spending too much time with Beverly. 'Wanted to tell him I only needed to be with you." He slurred, his voice muffled as he nuzzled his mouth against her neck, making Saffron go all tingly inside before she snapped back to reality.

"Where'd he do it this time?" She asked him, observing his face for any hint of pain, which she didn't find. "Hip." He paused, "Don't look now, 'wanna sleep. Anyway, 's fine, Rich has it worse."

And that was true, Richie really did have it worse.

Stanley was only hit once every few months by his dad, and although that wasn't a very nice experience, Richie was hit almost every single day by his mom and dad. Sometimes Saffie could hear the screams coming from his house, and a lot of times Richie would show up to her window so that she could nurse his wounds.

Stanley wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her down to lay next to him, restricting her from inspecting his bruises. "Okay.." She caressed his face, him moving toward her touch.

They stayed like that all night, together in Saffie's bed, before Stan was woken up by the obnoxious ringing of her phone. He hoped it would go away, covering Saffron's ears so she wouldn't wake up, but for some reason, whoever it was just kept calling.

So after a while, he finally trotted downstairs towards the phone placed conveniently on the wall. "Who is it?" Stan dismissed, yawning mid sentence. "Stanley? Why are you at Saffie's house this early?" Beverly inquired, making his eyes widen and his breath hitch.

"Uh, well, just- what do you want? I'll tell her." He demanded, attempting to regain his original confidence. "Well, tell her that I need you guys at my house. It's the big apartment block behind the dance studio. 30 minutes. Also, can you get the others to come too?" She responded, him nodding at her every word even though he knew she couldn't see him.

"Yeah, alright. See ya." After hanging up the phone, he bounded up the stairs to find Saffie still asleep in her bed, hand clutching the area of the sheets where he had previously been. He took a moment to admire this scene before shaking her awake.

"Saff, we've gotta get to Beverly's in 30 minutes." He whispered, brushing her hair out of her face.


cute lil filler chapter cos I was feeling a bit romantic today.

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