Chapter 3 - Barrens and Betty

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"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stan pointed out random trees and plants, none of which looked even identical to each other never mind poison ivy.

Eddie, being the safety crazed maniac he was, eyes frantically following Stan's finger whenever it made a movement, began seemingly analysing the greenery to check if it actually was poison ivy. Stan had a tendency to make up facts, regardless of whether he knew if they were true or not.

Not one of them knew why Stanley thought this would be a good idea to say, as he knew what Eddie was like. But all the same, it was very funny seeing Eddie all worried.

"Where? Wh-where's the poison ivy?" Eddie asked him, looking over all the surroundings; Stanley responded to this by pointing him in the direction of a completely different plant to what he had been showing them before, this one looking even more unusual. "Nowhere, not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley." Richie said, finally speaking after being quiet for a surprising amount of time, not that anyone was complaining.

"Poison ivy only grows in like South America, and places like that. Y'know hot places, with a lot of trees and deserts and.. stuff." Saffron assumed. Unfortunately, she also shared the same tendency. "We're in South America, Evans." Richie stated, very confident in his geographical skills, which were just about as good as his skill to keep his mouth shut.

"No we aren't Rich." Eddie scoffed, seeing as he was known throughout the school for being oddly good and talkative in his geography lessons, which he shared with the girl. "Greenhouse gases." Saffie spoke, adding on to her earlier sentence about the whereabouts of poison ivy, only to be ignored as they started entering the sewer.

She had stopped at the entrance to the barrens to silently tie up her shoe lace in the hopes for some extra security as they wandered into this shithole.

She glanced back at Stan as she noticed he wasn't coming in - resulting in a sympathetic head shake and a weak grin back. "Okay, well I'm starting to get itchy now, and I'm pretty sure this is not like-" Eddie was quickly cut off by, well, isn't it obvious at this point? "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"

Why Richie couldn't go 5 minutes without tormenting the poor asthmatic boy was completely beyond the pale girl standing beside him. "Sometimes, yeah." Blissfully ignorant, Eddie responded to him, not even having an idea of what was coming next - but obviously a hunch, because it's Richie.

Saffron waded over to Bill and they started searching together, their shoulders touching, sharing a flashlight and whispering in hushed tones. "Then you probably have crabs." Another infamous 'Eddie's mom this, Eddie's mom that' joke from Richie, but not one of them could lie, that one was quite funny. The much smaller boy however, didn't seem to think so, "That's so not funny."

Confused as to why he didn't feel a bigger presence around him, he looked over at Bill, before turning to the entrance to look at the two boys still standing there. "Aren't you guys coming in?" he deadpanned, as if walking around in a sewer at the ripe ages of 13 and 14 years old is a completely normal activity.

"Uh-uh, that's grey water." Eddie exclaimed, disgustedly looking at the water they were smoothly walking around in, as if we all just knew what grey water was like him. "What the hells grey water?" Rich rightfully asked, Saff pointing out a water bottle that had somehow gotten down here to Bill and making some backhanded comment about the climate, pretending she actually cared.

Eddie looked at the boy in front of him as if he was crazy for not knowing what this probably fake  thing was, "It's basically- piss and shit, so I'm just telling you! You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee. So.." While saying this, the hypochondriac was waving his arms dramatically in the air.

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