Chapter 4 - Cigarettes and Collisions

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Riding through the woods, with Ben on the back of Bill's bike, a comfortable silence passed over the group, of course with the exception of Eddie's hourly rant about the latest health crisis that they needed to solve immediately, but after being friends with him for so long, they had all learned to tune it out by now.

"I think its great that were helping the new kid, but we also need to think of our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys do know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now, as we speak right? I mean my moms friend i-in New York City got it by- just by touching a dirty pole on the subway and a drop of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail!"

"And- and you can amputate legs and arms. But how do you amputate a wai- how do you amputate a waist!? You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS right?" Eddie went on, continuously looking to Saffron and Stan in front of him as if they'd know the answer any better than him.

Quickly getting off his bike and helping Ben to sit down on a crate, Bill looked at the rest of his friends, "Richie, wait here! Come on." He ushered the other three out of the alleyway and into the pharmacy, the pharmacy where Eddie and Saff went to hang out sometimes, when neither of their parents would let them go anywhere else.

They'd steal the free samples of different fizzy drinks that were on offer, not before Eddie went through a list of all the possible things that could happen, but then eventually giving in.

When they were inside, they all spread out into different parts of the store and picked up anything and everything that looked like it could work, meeting up with all the stuff they'd gotten in one of the aisles. They placed all their money into the middle, which wasn't much, while Stan counted it as every ones else hands were too full to do so.

"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked, glancing at the crumpled 1 dollar notes in Stan's hands and then at the amount of random medicines and plasters piled up in Eddie's. "It's all we got." Stan sighed, looking at Eddie as if that was his fault, which it kind of was.

Annoyed and kind of just wanting to go home, Saffron turned to Eddie. "Ed's put some of it back, we don't need all of it. He'll be okay, you're not his personal doctor you know." She waved him off, him responding to this by looking at her in disbelief, "What? No, of course we'll need this, have you even looked at him?" Eddie whisper-yelled at the girl.

The other two boys, just wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, agreed with Saffie, groaning when Eddie refused to put any of the stuff back once again. "Just do it, E-eddie." Bill insisted, before quickly thinking and then pointing at him. "Wait, you have an account here don't you?"

Eddie scoffed at the older boy, slightly grinning in sarcasm. "If my mom finds out, I bought all this stuff for myself," he paused mid sentence, shaking his head at them, "I'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting x-rayed."

Suddenly, someone else entered the aisle and the group turned their heads to look at them hiding something. But Saffie had already seen what it was. Then she saw who it was. Beverly Marsh, for the second time this week had been in an embarrassing situation while being very near to Saffron.

"Hi Saffron." Beverly greeted, Saffie assuming she just didn't want to look so weird standing there, so she just spoke to the only person she sort of, kinda knew there. The other girl responded to this with a quiet and very quick, "Hi Beverly." sounding slightly confused.

Stan looked at the girl next to him in disbelief, how did Saffron know Beverly Marsh? The slut? Had she talked to her before or was it a one time kind of thing?

Tearing his eyes away from his best friend, he looked back to Beverly with an agitated expression on his face.

"Y-y-you okay?" Bill asked her, her looking anywhere but at him, making Saffron think of Beverly's red face at their encounter the other day, a result of her mentioning Bill. "I'm fine, what's wrong with you?"

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