Chapter 8 - Homeschool and Horror

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Beverly Marsh sat impatiently on the flight of stairs that led up to her apartment, cigarette in hand. She was currently waiting for the arrival of her friends, whom she had met only a few days ago, yet right now they seemed like the only people she could turn to.

 She didn't know if they even wanted to be seen around her, after all the things they'd most certainly heard. It had already been confirmed that they knew the details of her fake 'sex life' by Saffron during hers and Beverly's little meet in the girls bathroom after school.

As the group rounded the corner, Stan and Eddie were already arguing about which route to take. Stanley was once again making things up seeing as he didn't want to admit that he had forgotten the way to Bev's house even though she had only told him a few hours ago. 

"She didn't say anything, she just said that we needed to hurry over!" Stan quoted her. "You made it, I-" Beverly stopped halfway through her sentence in order to catch her breath. 

"I need to show you something." She spoke, the rest of them making confused faces at her claim. "What is it?" Ben asked, Bill nodding in agreement. "More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie joked, earning groans from the rest of them. "Shut up! Just shut up Richie!" Eddie snapped at him, yet obviously he didn't really 'snap'. 

He had 'snapped' many times before, yet none of these times he actually snapped because Richie was never affected by it. Richie was never affected by anything.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly blurted out, looking down at her shoes ashamedly. "Then, w-w-we'll leave a lookout. Uh- Richie s-s-suh-stay here." Bill looked around, before his eyes landed on the person they almost always picked to leave behind. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if her dad comes back?" Richie responded, annoyed that it was him who was always left behind because for some reason he had convinced himself that he was a very useful addition to the group with his insensitive comments and gross humour.

"Do what you always do, start talking!" Stan turned around to shout at Richie, the group stifling laughs in order to not set Richie off as they hurried up the narrow steps. "It is a gift!" Richie murmured to nobody in particular. 

Walking down the hallway, an eerie and uncomfortable feeling passed over the teenagers, and the fact that the house had an odd coppery smell to it did not help them one bit. "In there.." Beverly mumbled to them, looking towards a door that was situated towards the end of a narrow, dark corridor. "What is it?" Stanley questioned, his voice timid. "You'll see."

And then Eddie started on one of his rants again. "Are you taking us to your bathroom? I just want you to know that 89 percent of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. An-an-a- and, that's where all the bacteria and fungi are and its not a really sanitary place.." He urged them, stumbling over his words quite a lot. 

Bill took one for the team and opened the door, which the rest of them were thankful for until their eyes landed on the scene inside the room. 

There was a dark, crimson veil that covered the majority of the bathroom. The space no longer looked like a place you'd go to in order to relax and get clean, but instead reminded them of  some sort of satanic red room. "I knew it.." Eddie whimpered, gagging at the sight. "You see it?" Beverly hopefully asked. "Yes.." Saffie whispered, rubbing her hands on her jeans to confirm to herself that this was in fact real. 

"What happened in here?" Stan mumbled. "My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might be crazy.." Bev responded, suddenly worried that they might have the same reaction as her father. "Well if you're crazy, then we're all crazy." Ben said, his poet side shining through. Stan cringed at his attempt to be mysterious. "We c-c-cant leave it like this." Bill courageously spoke, being the only sensible one there. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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