Same Shit, Different Day?

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Winter was a white 23-year man living in England; he had a slight buff build to him, meaning he could carry well above his weight, along with a scar over his right eye he had for so long it had become normal to him.

Right now, he had just finished a long shift in a kitchen; he worked 7-3 pm, and now with the day finally done, walking down the path towards the gates tree on either side, he sided, putting in his earbuds and started to walk home. Wearing jeans, a shirt, and a zip-up hoodie because autumn had come, and in England, the weather is bipolar.

Getting to the street, he started to walk home; he could have driven here but seeing as how it only took half an hour to walk, Winter decided to walk it. Getting to the street, Winter hummed a song as something tapped him on his left shoulder; taking out an earbud and looking to his left, but there was no one.

"huh, must've been a pinecone." "Nope, it was me" turning to the right, Winter nearly jumped back in shock, slipping on the pavement; he almost went into the road until a yellow tail coiled around his hand and pulled him back "whoa, thanks for that."

Getting a better look, it was a Snake; he wore a Hawaii shirt and a hat. "That's okay and sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to," the snake spoke; it took Winter's brain 15 seconds to process what had just happened "okay, not to be rude but did you just talk?" The snake laughed "haha, never seen a talking snake before?"

"I can't say that I have; otherwise, I would question it," said snake grinned "well, I'm one of a kind; the only talking snake in the world's name is Snake." He held out his tail, to which Winter shook. "Phoenix, Winter Phoenix," Snake smiled "nice name. Anyway, I need to get going. I'm heading to Harmony rise." Winter smiled "heh, I live down that street; you want to walk with me?"

"That be nice" truth be told, Winter wasn't that social; all his friends back in school had moved on, and he had primarily become introverted. The pair carried on walking as Snake kept looking towards Winter and saw his head bobbing to his music.

"What you listening to?" He asked, "oh, sorry, Metallica master of puppets wanna listen?" Snake's tongue went in and out in quick succession "that would be nice," pulling out his other earbud, he gave it to Snake, who put it in his ear, enjoying the music.

"This way," Winter said, taking a shortcut through an ally way, but it had been raining the day before, and the ground had become muddy; as Winter started to walk, he looked back, seeing Snake stop "uhh" "you okay?" "Yeah, I don't really want to get dirty; you know I do have an idea."

Walking over, Winter raised an eyebrow "oh yeah? What's the idea then." "This might sound weird, but could I coil myself around you until we get over this mud?" Snake looked down, not even making eye contact with Winter "be glad I like snakes and even held snakes, so I guess come on."

Holding out an arm, Snake started to coil himself around Winter's arm and then rested himself on his shoulders and chest as they walked. Winter's mind was racing, thinking about how weird this was until he tripped and nearly fell over "shit! That bloody root, one day I'm going to fall over that thing and roll down the hill".

It was true the tree rested on top of a hill; they slowed walked down as the path was still muddy. Snake spoke up, "so how long have you lived here for then?" "Since I was 17, so you know, a good few years; it's nice this town can be rather quiet, but sometimes I yearn for an adventure."

"Then why don't you?" "Well, some nights I go out driving just to enjoy the light and such, but if I were to go on an adventure, I would want to do it with friends, but sadly, most of my school friends have gone their own way." Winter's smile faltered as he said this, but Snake tried to lift his spirits.

"Listen, my and friends only got here a week or so ago hence why I asked about the street name still getting used to the place, but how about we try and hang out? I could introduce them to you. I think they would like you." Winter's smile came back as Snake said this, "that would be nice. Are they talking animals as well?"

"hehe, wait and see." Getting down the hill, Snake got off as the pair kept walking, going past a fancy restaurant and under a bridge; they soon made up a slightly small hill and then a set of stairs going up together. They made it to 'Harmony Street' Snake shook Winter's hand one last. "Welp, I will see you around; Winter, take care. actually, could I get your number" Snake gave Winter his earbud back.

"Sure," giving Snake his number, they went their separate ways as Snake pulled out his phone and made a call. "Diane, it's me tell the others I've found him, and I can confirm it's him, and he's just as kind as we remember."

Meanwhile, Winter went into his apartment, which had five bedrooms. Winter had the master bedroom, which had a nice of the town, along with a connecting bathroom. The rest of the apartment was big, with a giant tv, big windows and the kitchen was big enough to have an island in the middle.

As time passed, Winter ate his dinner and soon went to bed; he smiled, looking up, "huh, looks like today was completely boring."

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