Morning Shenanigans

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Wolf had stormed off to Winter's room, slamming the door behind him. The human got up and walked over to the door going in; Wolf was sitting on the other side of the bed "what do you want?" "You can't take a joke?" "It wasn't funny to me!" Winter sighed, sitting opposite Wolf. "I'm sorry okay?" "Sorry doesn't cut it" "damn only known each other for like a day, and already the friendship is gone? Okay, I'll be cooking dinner soon, so if you want to eat, you must come out."

Winter got up, and as he almost left, Wolf pinned him against the door "you are just going to walk away like that, huh?" Wolf's voice rose "well, seeing as how I tried to apologize, but you didn't accept it, so I felt it best to leave it for now" lifting an eyebrow, Wolf moved closer, showing his fangs "leave it be? I don't think so, Winter" "Wolf, you're scaring me" "oh, you think this is scaring you? Let me show you," Wolf bit down on Winter's neck. He screamed in pain as Winter suddenly jerked up from bed, breathing heavily, sweat on his face.

Feeling his neck, there was nothing there. With a sigh, he maneuvered around Wolf towards the bathroom. Splashing water on his face, he saw the time 4:45 am. A knock came to the bathroom "give me a sec," Wolf opened the door. "Winter, are you okay?" The human's eyes were red "yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it," walking out, Wolf put a hand to stop him. "I know you are not okay" "it's just a nightmare" Winter refused to make eye contact with the wolf. "Tell me what happened" sliding to the floor, Wolf hugged him, "you know how I scared you over that movie, and you forgave me."

"How could I forget your smooth-talking and that steak? You made me feel better," Wolf smiled, rubbing Winter's back "yeah, well, the nightmare I had, you pinned me against the wall and bit my neck hard." Tears started to run down his face as Wolf hugged him tight. "I would never do that to you unless you want it." "promise?" Wolf smiled. He then kissed Winter on the lips shocking the human parting. Wolf spoke again, "I promise. Now come on, let's get back to sleep." Walking back to the bed, they got in as Wolf wrapped himself around the human, him playing the big spoon and Winter the little spoon.

A camera flash woke up Winter "got it," Web's laughed as she took the photo; opening a sleepy eye, Winter Snake had taken the picture. Being quick, he grabbed him "whoa, hey!" Before he could react, he was pulled into the bed and a hug by Winter "let me go" "no, you know you like it." In response, Snake coiled himself around Winter and Wolf and rested his head on Winter's shoulder "told you," "shhh, sleeping time." When they woke up again, it was 11 am. "Snake, move. I need the bathroom" he didn't get a response; he then grinned, pushing himself up with Snake & Wolf hanging onto him the stuck to him like glue. He was basically giving Wolf a piggyback ride.

The door opened as Shark came in to check on them "whoa, Winter can I get a piggyback ride next?" "If you get these two off me 'cause I NEED THE FUCKING TOILET!" Shark laughed as he started to pry Snake off. Still, Snake only coiled tighter "Shark, get me a buck of cold water" getting the water for him, Diane, Piranha, and Webs smiled, knew what was going to happen next; pouring the bucket over him, Snake and Wolf the later two yelled in shock as they dropped off Winter looking to him in annoyance and shock Winter ran for the bathroom.

"GET BACK HERE!" Snake yelled as Shark tried to hold them back, and Winter dove for the bathroom and locked the door "open the door, Winter!" Wolf yelled, "no, I needed the bathroom, and you didn't get off me" Snake, on the other hand, saw an air vent and got an evil idea as he snuck into the vent and soon into the bathroom and soon around Winter's leg "hey~" "I can't even piss in peace can I?" "nope~." "Can I have a shower in peace?" "I want to join you, please" Winter had to think about it "fine."

Getting undressed, the pair soon got into the shower as Winter started to clean himself. Snake went elsewhere. "Snake, where are you GOING?!" Snake had gotten his head on Winter's shaft. "Snake I moan" he was good, really good, sucking him and licking "you are slowly turning me gay, and I'm not sure how I feel about it" more moans came from the bathroom. Meanwhile, Diane was eating cereal and just turned up the volume on the TV, a little annoyed after a few minutes of cleaning and sucking. "Snake, I'm so fucking close" Snake winked up at him as Winter blew his load, only for Snake to suck it all up.

Winter stumbled out of the tub; his legs were a little weak because of the heated session he had just had, but with a wet pop, Snake let go with a coy smile "now that was fun~." As Winter dried himself off Snake unlocked the bathroom door and opened it letting the others see Winter dry off a wolf whistle made him turn around seeing the group check him out; he covered himself up with a towel but was beat red "you are a dick Snake" "that's for the cold water!" He laughed hard "so I guess sucking me dry was for that cuddle in bed~" the human teased as he walked past everyone to his room; now it was Snake's time to be beat red.

"yeah, it was," he said under his breath

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