Day With A Spider

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"A little lower" "that good?" "Nah, a little lower." "How about this?" "Oh, that is great right there" Winter was helping Shark out as he had complained about back pain rubbing hard. It was clear the apex predator was melting into the human's touch "now I understand why Snake enjoyed you so much, such smooth skin" Winter tried to hide his blush, but it was hard after the back pain was gone. Shark got up and pulled Winter close "thanks for that. Let me reward you." He had a toothy grin which did put the human a bit on edge until he was kissed on the lips "damn was not expecting that."

Getting free from Shark's grip, Winter headed for his bedroom until he heard Wolf and Diane talking, "it's not that I don't want him to come with us, but what would he do?" Wolf said, "he can cook for us, so what if he can't do the things we can? Is that so bad, Wolf?" Diane asked, "he could blow our cover or get hurt or get us all killed!" Diane sighed "so you want to just leave him here then? In his own universe, it would break his heart being left behind, or he might just cut the cord," Wolf groaned, "I want what's best for him!"

"Then maybe we teach him, huh? It's still early days. We could make it work" "not if we hurt him. That's the last thing I want to do" "sometimes we need to hurt to get through to him." "Okay, listen " Winter had walked away from the door; he felt hurt, feeling like a burden to the group; grabbing his back and jacket, he went for the front door "where you going?" Webs asked from the counter, "for a ride, I don't know when I'll be back" "can I come?" "Sure, best way to get over my arachnophobia is to face it" holding out his hand, Webs hopped on and then onto his shoulder shutting the front door. Wolf and Diane popped their heads out, seeing the door close "where did Winter go?" "Oh, he just left for a ride with Webs," Shark replied, watching the TV.

Winter drove off towards London. He needed to clear his head "any reason why London?" Webs asked, "I don't know, it's just calming. I guess I know a good place to go; my aunt and I would go there when she used to live in London, but now she is in Spain." As they drove towards London Hotel California came on as Winter began to sing, Webs soon joined in it turned into a full-blown duet in no time. As the song came to an end, Webs had a blush on her face "wow, I forget how good you can sing," the human raised an eyebrow to this "you sure? I swear I sound tone-deaf half the time."

Webs laughed hearing this "no, you were great, trust me," he smiled, looking at Webs for a few seconds "you weren't half bad yourself," Webs pouted, looking at him "what do you mean half bad?" rolling his eyes with a smile he spoke again "okay find you were great" Webs hugged Winter's hand in response "thanks Win" "Win?" "A nickname like how everyone calls me Webs" after a while and some more songs, they finally made it to where they were going "Highgate Woods?" Webs asked as Winter got out with her on his shoulder "yeah, I loved this place when I was younger still do."

The duo walked through the woods into a clearing as Winter sat on a bench "okay, so why did we really come here?" "I it doesn't matter, Webs, really. I just wanted to clear my head. I'm curious, Webs, how do you think I would fair in your world?" She was a bit confused "how so?" "Like, I don't know if I was in your world doing the sort of things you all do, how do you think I would fair?" "Do you want the honest truth?" He looked at her "yes, I do" "not too well, if I'm being 100% truthful, besides heavy lifting, of course," Winter starter to think until he snapped his fingers "what if you taught me?" "say wha?" Webs asked, confused.

"Look, all of you are great in different things, right? What if I became a jack of all trades? It would never hurt to know the tricks of the trade." Webs then smiled, getting his idea "okay, when we get home, I can teach you hacking, but for now, let's just enjoy this moment" Winter and Webs sat enjoying the peace until she got out her phone and snapped a pic of the pair with Winter doing a peace sign she then posted it online for their friends to see it as well with the #chillingwithmyBF. Soon the sun was starting to go down, so they called it quits, for now, leaving the park and soon London.

Winter's phone vibrated. It was a face time from Diane. He answered, "what's up Diane?"  "You planning on coming home tonight, or are you and Webs getting a hotel for the night~?" He laughed. "I don't know; I mean, I could swing by home and pick you up as well if you like~." "ohohoh flirting back, are we now? I like it" "if you like that how about dinner tonight on me I know a great place." "just us two?" "No, everyone," "damn," "Diane," "I know I just wanted some one-on-one time," "like a shower, maybe?" She went beat red from this. "I didn't hear a no"

"I'll tell the others to get dressed."

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