Changed For Life

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Winter was sitting on the beach, the wind blowing against him. It was March now and a week and a half since the run-in with Marmalade. Saying it hadn't left some mental scars would be a lie; the last few nights, he was reminded of being held down and that if he didn't get to the M.T.T.D, he would be some sort of freak, his phone went off looking it was Wolf "hey" "Winter? Did you go out?" "Yeah, sorry, I was going to say something, but you were all asleep" "Webs and I are on our way." "No, Wolf, it's fine, seriously" "we are coming, Winter," Webs spoke, "fine, see you soon."

Ending the call, the human looked at the clock 3:23 am a laugh came from him looking out at the sea though he saw faint lights; one question had been plaguing his mind about the whole Phoegon thing he had the M.T.T.D abd surely if the multiverse was infinite then there must be a universe where he could become his own character safely. Still, if he did, he would need to talk it over with the others first. 20 minutes later, a pair of headlights shined on him as Wolf walked up and sat next to him. "Another nightmare?" "Yeah, sorry, I should've said I was going out" Wolf pulled him close as Winter rested his head on the shoulder as Wolf rubbed his back. "I was thinking" "Winter, we spoke about you thinking" you both laughed at this.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Marmalade did give me a good idea about coming my Phoegon form," an audible sigh came from his boyfriend "we need to talk when we get home; there is something we didn't tell you." Winter laughed. "I'm pretty sure there is a lot of things you haven't told me." "I touchè; now let's go." Heading back home Winter started to sing again, "cause I really want to stay at your house" "and hopes this work out" Webs carried on, "but you know how much you broken me apart" it took about five seconds for the trio to break out into sing mixed with crying Edgerunners ending had broken them all.

It was about 11 am when Winter woke up again, and he saw everyone sitting around the table. "Winter come here; there is something you need to see," Diane said, sitting down. Winter looked curious. "Wolf explained what you want to do," Snake started "let me guess you want to talk me out of it," they laughed "oh no, quite the opposite, Winter, you see when we met you the first time, we failed to mention that you were a Phoegon" Webs said, "so you are all okay with this then?" They all nodded as Winter put the M.T.T.D on "a universe where I can change into my Phoegon form safely and without danger."

Pop, they were gone and soon crashed and landed in a clinic "owww," Winter spoke, getting out of the pile. "Ah, mister Phoenix, we have been expecting you," a rabbit said, looking the human up and down "you have?" "We have now then come its time" "uhhh," Winter was pulled along as the others followed the doctor went through the process "so you will be submerged into a pool filled with microscopic robots that will slowly change your body over the next two days you won't feel a thing as you will be sleeping the whole time." The human stood there, taking it all in.

"and that's it" Winter nodded in response to all this, "okay, I'm ready," as a pair of white doors opened, and a bathtub of multicolored was revealed along with a lid. "I'm sorry, but your friends will have to head home, for no; we will let you know when it's done." With one last hug and kiss from each of them, Winter headed for the bathtub getting undressed; he stepped inside as a mask was put over his mouth and nose "see you on the other side Mr. Phoenix."

With that, Winter sank into the water as his eyes felt heavy and soon shut; two days passed as the water was drained and the mask removed. "Winter, can you hear me?" "Yeah, I can; whoa that's different," his voice was deeper, stepping out of the tub before he was a full body mirror as his eyes adjusted; he saw the new Winter.


e looked himself over, running a hand over his face; he then saw his blue flaming hand, but it didn't burn; next, he lifted his tail with some ease before letting it flop back down, gently running his hand down his wings which were also having a blue flame to them, they were soft next was the scar on his eye this doctor had thought of everything his chest was still buff maybe more so now looking down at his feet he smiled before turning around seeing his back was fine as well finally running a hand over his blue flaming horns "I wow this truly amazing" "Mr. Phoenix if you could come over here" it was an x-ray scanner the rabbit watched it and smiled "all good Mr. Phoenix. Now then, onto powers."

"Powers?" "Well, having Phoenix DNA inside of you can be reborn from your own ashes along with high tolerance to pain, fire manipulation, flying, and a flaming dick" "I never knew that came under power, but okay" "hey that's also a flex if you ask me now let's train some powers" another two days later the group came to see their new and improved boyfriend "and blast!" They saw a wave of blue flame flying down a wall way "amazing Winter, you can come through now!" As the group came through, they saw Winter.

"Powers?" "Well, having Phoenix DNA inside of you can be reborn from your own ashes along with high tolerance to pain, fire manipulation, flying, and a flaming dick" "I never knew that came under power, but okay" "hey that's also a flex if you ask...

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"Hey, guys, how do you like the new me then?" Standing upright, Snake was the first to come over he looked over Winter before going back; next was Pirnaha he looked at the creature before him even lifting his tail a little bit before going back next was Webs. She crawled up his leg and onto his shoulder; giving a nod, she went back down, Shark smiled, looking at him now being the same height while before Winter was slightly smaller than Wolf, but that had changed if you brought his horns in as well he was slightly taller than Shark. Diane came after she ran a hand over his face; it's was as if she was trying to hold back tears, giving his face another rub. She waited with the rest.

Wolf came up last he ran his hands up his boyfriend's arms before kissing him deeply Winter wings came out cause of the shock as the others joined in the hug as Winter wrapped his wings around them all "it's good to have you back, Winter the way you found us." "Wait, what?" "When you came to our universe, it was like this in your Phoegon form, although I will miss your human form," Snake commented.

"Now let's get home tomorrow is important. It's your birthday" Winter blinked a few times. "It's March 14th already?!"

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