Being Followed

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Waking up on Tuesday morning, Winter slammed his phone to stop the alarm looking at the time; he groaned in annoyance at 5:30 in the morning; rolling over in his bed resulted in a thud as Winter lay on the floor "thank you past me for putting down carpets." After a nice hot shower and eating breakfast, Winter looked around his apartment.

It had been a gift from his parents saying that he and his friends could all live together; that was the plan until his friends moved away, leaving him with a giant apartment but nobody to share it with. Flicking through messages, he saw a new one from an unknown number. 'Hey Winter, it's Snake. I would've liked to walk home with you tomorrow, but I'll be busy. Thanks for helping me get back yesterday.'

The tired human smiled as he added Snake's contact to his phone getting changed; he left with it still being dark, the streetlights were still on, walking out and towards work, as on the other side of the street, a black Chevrolet Camero was watching him leave. "guys wake up he's going" Snake nudged everyone awake as Wolf yawned looking at Winter.

"He's still cute as ever; I see, hehe" "it's a shame he doesn't remember us, but it will be more fun to get him to fall for us again," Diane smiled. "Okay, let's go and beat him to work" as Winter descended the steps, the Camero roared to life as Wolf floored it; this caused the human to turn around and see it zoom off down the road as Winter smiled in awe at the speed it was going.

"he saw us, and I think he liked it, amigo," Piranha's voice filled with excitement Winter walked through the gates of his work as the group watched him walk in "okay, everyone, here is the plan, Shark you are going to dress as one of the residents, meanwhile Snake sneaks into the kitchen hide under the counter, and such make sure he doesn't get hurt meanwhile Webs tap into security so we can keep an eye on him next Piranha you are going in as a new waiter so play it cool get him talking finally me and Diane will be out here waiting for when he finishes we can offer him a ride or just follow him."

Snake spoke up, "Wolf, it's best you try and talk to him like I did because I get the feeling he might be worried if he sees two sharply dressed animals following him home." Wolf nodded as everyone broke to do their jobs. Webs rode on Snake's back as they both went into the kitchen; it was empty and had no lights on, so Snake hid underneath while Webs hid up high.

Winter came in with a stretch, bringing the kitchen to life; he started to make today's meal, that being Sweet and sour prawns; putting his phone down, he began to dance in time with the music while getting things ready Snake and Webs both smiled, seeing him so happy. As the day went on, more chefs came in, and soon, it was a busy kitchen.

As Winter worked, a knife was balancing dangerously on a table; dropping his mixing spoon the young man went to pick it up as someone bumped the table, and the knife fell. "Winter, look out!" One of his friends yelled; looking up, he saw the blade coming, closing his eyes, expecting to feel a sharp pain through him, but he didn't.

Opening his eyes, the knife was hanging in mid-air like time itself had stopped. Everyone looked in shock, seeing the knife just hanging there. Winter grabbed said knife; he saw something glistening just above it; running a finger through it was a web "I guess someone likes me somewhere," he laughed; grabbing the knife, he put it back on the rack.

Webs breathed a sigh of relief as, from under the grills, Snake gave her a thumbs up "nice work, Webs, that was a close one." "Winter, go take your break. I can handle your prawns." the Head chef spoke. "Thanks, boss" Winter went outside for his break as a very small man walked into the break room; looking around, he saw the human. "Hola amigo"

Winter gave a two-finger salute to him with a small smile "you new around here? I haven't seen you before." He smiled, sitting next to him "yeah, today is my first day, so who are you?" "Names Winter and you are?" The man gave a toothy grin "call me Piranha, so what do you do for fun?"

"play games, sometimes I go out for a late-night drive just to see the lights of cities, but not much else, well besides my music, love my music." As the day ticked on, Winter met the new resident called Shark he was raving about Winter's food saying how nice it was he even took some back to his room but he let his friends try the food, which they also loved "mmm his food is just as good as I remembered" Diane grinned like a child.

At the end of the day, Winter started his walk as Wolf rolled up in his car with Diane. The hairs on the back of Winter's neck rose even past his music; he could feel a car rolling towards him, so he picked up his speed, but the car followed after a few minutes, it stopped and he heard two doors opened and shut.

He started speed-walking away as the sound of two sets of feet could be heard, thinking fast he went through alleyways to try to lose them; once he felt he had lost, a full-blown sprint erupted from his body, and he finally made it back to the right street a car horn was heard as a car stopped right next to him.

"Get in, jackass" "Jack? What are you doing here?" Jack was one of Winter's old friend; he was a chubby white man who was back in town for the day. "Listen I saw a grey wolf abd orange fox following you so get in and I will ride you home mate" looking back the wolf and fox came out, saw him, and pointed, running towards Winter.

"Yep, time to go" getting in, Jack drove off as Wolf yelled, "no, wait, stop, damn it!" He held his hands in his head as Diane watched the car drive off "we should've listened to Snake and talked to him; come on, let's go."

Dropping his old friend back home Winter walked in and locked the door tight "why me? What do they want from me? What did I do to them?" He slumped down against a wall with a few tears running down his face; his phone vibrated; it was a text from Snake.

'you okay?'

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