Back To The Past

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A/N: This chapter has been in development hell since March 16. Sorry for people waiting so long for an update, and this will be the last time I write like this too

Winter woke up but only saw darkness feeling around. He felt something on his face. "Diane off," "Mmm no," "Diane," "no," sitting up, Diane went tumbling forward as she looked at her boyfriend unamused while upside down. "Not funny," "It is to me." Getting out of bed, Diane rolled off, following Winter to the shower after a warm shower, among other things; getting out, the Phoegon let out a deep sigh. "I think it's time I go to the past to meet you guys" The group smiled, "you think you are ready for it?" Wolf asked with a smile. "Yeah, it's time; anything I need to know?" "We would say be careful, but we know you will be."

Heading downstairs, Winter headed for his SUV as he opened a portal to one year before the Golden Dolphine heist with one final group hug; Winter got into the car, and the engine roared to life as he sped through the portal.

The Bad Guys universe One year before the heist

Their getaway car had crashed; the chief laughed as she walked up to Wolf. "Well, it looks like you weren't fast enough this time, and there is nobody to save you." Wolf looked worried as the sound of a car engine could be heard before the chief car was sent flying by Winter's SUV; the doors flung open "GET THE FUCK IN!" The group looked confused but ran for. As Misty went to grab Wolf, Winter tossed a fireball to knock her over. As the group scrambled in and hit the gas, Misty watched the car drive off and call it in. "Who the heck are you?" Wolf asked, confused and a little worried. "Consider me a friend; we make it through this. I'll give you my name."

Driving forward, Winter saw the cops pull up all around him. "PULL OVER!" "NO...FUCK YOU" Winter slammed his car into the cops sending it flying, shocking the group as a row of cop cars came into view blocking the road. Winter hit the gas "Uhhh, you sure about this?" Piranha asked, worried as the Phoegon smiled, going faster until he pulled the E-brake, flipping the car over the cops as it landed back down and Winter kept driving; the sound of a helicopter could be heard as Winter pulled out a phone with the press of a button; the helicopter was disabled.

After two hours of driving, Winter pulled up under an underpass he turned the engine off. "Woooo, now that was fun; okay, everyone, okay?" The group nodded. "Okay, where is your hideout? I'll drop you off there; sound good?" "Under the bridge in a storm drain," Wolf replied, driving off again; the gang asked where Winter had come from. "Heh, it's a long story; get a few beers in me, and I might tell you, but I'll be honest, you can trust me" Webs walked over to him and went to touch his flaming wings. "Go for it, ms Tarantula; the flames are harmless; they might feel a little warm, but other than that, they are all good, I promise" ms Tarantula ran one of her legs through his flames; it did feel warm. "Wow, that's amazing, you guys gotta try this" "Not while I'm driving, please" Getting to the storm drain, the Phoegon drove in and came to a stop in front of an elevator; the others got out, and Wolf gave a warm smile to his driver. "So, what's your name? Then you did say you would give us your name if we got out, and well, we did survive", Winter chuckled.

"Call me Winter," he said with a warm smile before he drove off, causing Wolf to chuckle at him. Winter pulled up outside of a small house on a corner; with it being dark, he made a lockpick and snuck into hiding in one of the shadows; he dimed his flames and waited until Diane got home, worn out from beginning her campaign for governor, "so this is the home of the great Crimson Paw then" Diane went wide-eyed before running to the kitchen and throwing a knife at where the voice came from only to see a pair of blue flames catch it "tell me do you do that to all who find out who you are or am I special case~?" "Who are you? TELL ME before I call the cops" Winter undimmed his flames and walked out of the shadows. "Trust me, it will sound crazy to you" "Try me," Diane said, still narrowing her eyes towards the Phoegon, who smiled back.

"I'm from the future" The fox didn't buy it and threw a punch at Winter, who dodged it, putting the knife down; he dodged each kick or punch Diane threw. "I wasn't lying to you, Diane. I know you were the Crimson Paw, the greatest thief the world ever knew; you went after the Golden Dolphin but left it behind" Diane threw a board at Winter, who caught it. "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" "Because you told me in the future in the future, you came to find me, and everything it all started here!" He pulled out the photo taken on his birthday. This made Diane stop and stare at him with shock and confusion. "Look, I know it seems really weird, but let me explain, please?" Diane sighed and lowered her fists. "Okay, explain to me." 

It took a few hours, but Diane finally got it and rubbed Winter's cheek before kissing his lips. "It's not going to be easy to convince the others of all this, you know that, right?" She said with a warm smile, "I know, but I've gotta try Diane. I've got a year before we do the heist, and so I've got this, I think" "You dork~" "But I'm a loveable dork~" "Yes, you are~." Getting back to Bad Guy's base, Winter was carrying a box and card, knocking on Snake's room; he opened, "Winter? What are you doing up? What's up with the box?" "Happy Birthday, Snake. I know you don't normally don't like birthdays, but here" Snake took the box and saw a few guinea pigs; he went to thank Winter, but the Phoegon went to sleep on the sofa.

Snake smiled before going back to bed and eating his gifts. 

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