33 - Matters of the Heart

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AN: The "Pa-pa-pa-pa"-s are very fitting at the beginning of this chapter.

October 30th, 2022

Sunrays crept across the room that stood almost perfectly still, Logan's head resting on the back of the couch, his mouth slightly open and even if he would never want to admit it - was snoring a little. A pillow was jammed between his back and the couch - so he wasn't entirely uncomfortable. He'd been too reluctant to move or head to his own room with Rory's legs still stretched across his lap, his hand still linggering on her calves casually.

Rory was much deeper in her sleep, but not deep enough to jolt out of her slumber by unconsciously sensing a pair of eyes on her.

Em was standing there by her mother's side, in her yesterday's clothing, as she had woken up, meeting Rory's eyes that fluttered open for a fraction of a second. For a moment Rory was shocked by a lot of things all at once. The staring, the fact that not only she but they both were still on the couch and the fact that Logan was still holding a part of her.

"Morning, Em," Rory yawned.

"Why are you sleeping out here?" Em asked, innocently, not watching her volume too much, causing Logan to come to as well.

Rory pulled her legs away, causing Logan to wake even more from their absence.

He too looked a little confused.

"I guess we must've just fallen asleep watching a movie," Rory replied to the little girl.

Both her and Logan knew there was more to it, after all one of them, unsure who by now, had actually turned off the television and they had just continued to talk after that. A little about the guys Rory had date inbetween, and Logan even a little about what life with Odette had been like. They hadn't approched it from the romantic angle, but rather the orginary humour of things - what kind of jokes they'd had, what funny things had happened when Rory had dated and so on. Nothing too serious but bits to bring them closer nonetheless.

Logan stretched out his arms above his head, him having been in a less-than-ideal sleeping position all night, and was definitely feeling its consequences on his body. But he wasn't mad or bothered by it one bit.

"Come on, let's get you changed, washed and then we'll order some breakfast," Rory suggested, leading the girl back to the bedroom.

"You okay there?" Rory asked, looking back to him.

"Just a little sore, no big deal," Logan replied.

Their mutual glances definitely spoke of a mutual appreciation along with their smiles - they had sort of spent the night together, after all. And there really was no more question about whether they still had it.

"Hm-hm," Rory replied, smilingly, leaving Logan pulling himself together. She headed to her bedroom to do what she'd promised, unable to stop smiling. Her stomach, much like Logan's, was all giddy, but trying to hold back for the sake of Em. They couldn't get Em's hopes up, and could only hope this already hadn't. But they both agreed that it was a good thing she was seeing them getting along more and more.

October 31st, 2022

For the first time since college Logan found himself in front of a mirror on Halloween, actually trying to make an effort. He was meeting Em and Rory to go trick-or-treating.

His costume didn't actually require a huge amount of makeup, but he had patted his short stubble with some dark face paint so it'd look like he actually had a dark beard and a mustache. The outfit itself - classic jeans and denim jacket with a Y-shaped Yale pin on his chest, a dark cowboy hat, a big-buckled belt, aviator glasses and leather gloves, was a lot more like Rory's ex from ages ago might wear, the tall one - he couldn't even recall his name right then and he didn't particularly want to.

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