20 - Old Fresh Wounds

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October 9th, 2022

"Listen, I don't know if you feel up to it... but I was actually hoping to talk to you alone, and preferably somewhere not in public...," Logan began, deciding to make good use of the private moment.

He'd been toying with the idea of telling her these things for a while now. But it had indeed been last night, so what if the words she'd uttered had been drunken ones, that had given him that reminder what being with Rory had been like - the essence of it. How she not only turned him on - that would've been way too trivial - but how he also yearned for her approval and presence.

Throughout the day that he'd spent it with Em, he couldn't stop thinking about those times - and the way how much Em reminded him of her. He would always see Rory in Em. This also meant that while he was deeply falling for this little girl, there really didn't seem to be much of a chance for him to be spared for not beginning to feel something for also this new and improved, healed, Rory either.

He wasn't too hopeful - it might've already been too late for them - he realized that. But if there was a chance in hell, and that taking into account and Em would now and forever be put first, that they could in the very distant future evolve into something - not even daring to put a name on it - he needed to clear the air. He couldn't hold onto things now that would come around to haunt him later - even if that was a selfish reason in itself.. He also couldn't hold onto things that were perhaps chewing Rory up inside all this time - things he should've said a long time ago.

"Um, has anything good ever begun with those words?" Rory replied, honestly and hesitantly.

"I've just had a lot of time on my hands these weeks and I feel like there are things that I should tell you, not that these things will change much in the present day. I just kind of feel like I owe you this information and just in case it's not something you're comfortable with, I think it'd be better if I do it like this, not in some restaurant during your lunch break and ruin your day," Logan explained.

Rory cleared her throat, and nodded. She could agree - not everything was lunch-hour conversation or conversation that could be had around Em. Rory headed for the living room, in her mind trying to think of the worst possible scenarios already, feeling like she needed to sit down for this.

Logan followed her lead.

"Well...," Logan took a deep breath. "For starters, I know you never really wanted to hear this. Thinking back I wish you had, I wish I had told you this anyway. And honestly, it has been weighing on me that you never asked me... that you never wanted to know. I just need to clarify that we weren't horrible people for...," Logan began, not quite being articulate enough this late in the day to say what he wanted. Maybe this was a mistake?

Rory was beginning to sense she was indeed not going to like this topic.

"Odette and I, until we actually married - we had an open relationship. She had her flings in Paris, she only ever moved in with me so suddenly because she wanted to get away from one of them. And while I didn't talk to her in length about you she was somewhat aware of your existence....," Logan confessed.

"Why are you telling me this?" Rory asked, sounding confused.

"Because knowing you, at least thinking I know you - knew you... I figured you maybe thought I was cheating on her, that what we had wasn't an affair from my viewpoint.... I realize knowing this probably wouldn't have changed much concerning the arrangement surrounding Emma given the concerns we had, but just... I need you to know that part wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Not that my mother would've ever agreed with that statement but just... that technically whatever it was it was okay," Logan continued.

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