21 - Some Time

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November 5th, 2016, Stars Hollow, CT

It had felt like a very long 20 torturously quiet seconds from Lorelai who had barely closed her mouth after it had fallen open the minute Rory had confessed the big secret she'd been carrying with herself for the past two weeks to her mother.

"Mom?" Rory asked, wanting her to just say something. The early morning hour at the gazebo steps were chilly, and Rory was pretty tired already.

"You're pregnant!" Lorelai reflected, still in shock.

"So it seems...," Rory confirmed, neutrally.

"How far along?" Lorelai asked.

"6 weeks... -ish - so it might not even happen...," Rory said, having looked up all the facts she could on early miscarriage. There was a 10-15 percent chance, more that 80 percent of those chances happening in the first twelve weeks.

Rory had been so paralyzed ever since the two lines appeared on the stick that she couldn't really believe it herself. She'd been on birth control, yet it had happened anyway. And now - thinking that something like this, terrifying and miraculous at the same time, had already happened against all odds, she felt she almost couldn't intervene into something as serendipitous by making any decision. She just felt like sitting in a cotton ball and seeing if it really stuck, like she didn't want to be in charge of the decision but let the decision be made by itself.

"And who's...um...?" Lorelai asked, looking confused.

Paul had just texted and Rory had read the text out to her mother, and to Lorelai's knowledge she hadn't been seeing anyone else either. It was with indifference that her mother had treated the whole Paul thing, much more carelessly than Rory had felt about it thinking back - she'd just been paralysed on that front as well.

Rory was under no illusion what her mother was asking.

"Um... I don't know," Rory lied.

"Rory - come on!?" Lorelai insisted, clearly not believing her. She might have had her first one night stand this spring, but she was hardly hopping around from bed to bed - this much her mother at least liked to think she knew, and Rory had definitely not proved her otherwise. That was just not her.

"Surely we're not taking immaculate conception here...," Lorelai rolled her eyes at her, jokingly.

"No, I'm not The Blessed Virgin Mary," Rory replied, dissapointedly that her mother would find this a joking matter. She'd actually considered not telling her mother before the 12 weeks were up either, but she'd just felt it had been the right moment, kind of like a wedding present too - I guess.

"So - it's someone from Stars Hollow?" Lorelai inquired.

Rory shook her head, not that she was denying it but she just wasn't telling. But she was pretty sure her mother could've figured out it wasn't anyone from Stars Hollow by herself. Rory didn't exactly hang around here much, prefering to stay in Hartford when she was writing.

"Oh, my god - it's not Jess is it?" Lorelai exclaimed.

"Um.. no," Rory replied, definitely not wanting rumors about that circling around. But thankfully Jess had been neatly in Philadelphia around that time. No confusion about that.

Rory had months ago told her mother how Logan wasn't in the picture anymore, even getting a supportive and appriving hug from her in return on the topic, so thankfully at this moment Lorelai wasn't inquiring anymore about him. She was glad of the fact because she wasn't sure if she could yet master to lie directly to her face about something as sensitive. And about this much she was sure - she wasn't going to tell anyone about his involvement before they'd agreed on a plan.

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