59 - The House Is On Fire

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AN: I know I should be updating Cute Meet right about now but I seem to have momentum on this one right now.

Chapter 59

December 21st, 2022, Cambridge

Rory's heart was racing and her step was uneven, as if she'd been caught red handed. She followed Logan down the administrative hallway out of the building, having quickly grabbed her coat to head for lunch.

She'd only briefly introduced the two men by first name basis, thinking Logan didn't know the guy, and promised to finish up the assignment after lunch. Tucker hadn't really said anything beyond a 'hi' but she realized how probably both of the men in the room had sensed her nervousness.

I had been work-related and in that sense innocent, but there was something in Tucker's mannerism, much like there was in Logan's whenever they were out as a couple, that made her body tingle. Like there was more to what he did or said. Tucker also seemed to enjoy the fact how his presence made her a little nervous, often chuckling along at her clumsiness or rambling - even if this time around she was not as tongue tied and giddy as he had while back in college. It had been just work, but it was like the man could sense her nervous reaction and just kept playing at it. That made her especially cautious around him.

"Logan, wait up," Rory said, catching up with him, already sensing how he was angry. She just didn't know how angry, or what exactly he was angry at. Maybe it was just the fact that she'd forgotten - lost track of time? Or that he'd had a therapy session he wasn't happy with?

Logan remained quiet, not wanting to yell at her or react in any way that was less than polite while still in eyesight of her office building.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Rory asked, innocently, as they made their way outside.

"I'm not really hungry anymore...," Logan admitted.

Rory wasn't sure what to do with that response.

"I am," Rory said, obviously disappointed and confusedly, and crossed the street right a few steps behind him.

"Anything is fine," Logan shrugged after a little while. He wasn't just going to walk out on lunch either, not without some type of an explanation.

As soon as they made it a block away, Logan stopped in front of a bare building facade, feeling it was as secluded as they'd get out here, and turned towards her, knowing he just needed to say something.

"You're working with Tucker Culbertson now?!" Logan huffed, squinting his eyes, his words coming out more as an accusation than a question . Logan generally didn't raise his voice much, unless he was drunk, but his withheld yet firm tone sounded just as serious.

"How do you..," Rory reacted, having not realized he knew his last name. How on Earth had he even recognized him? After all - back in college - Logan had in her experience had no contact with the T.A in question. They'd had just that single conversation about him - fine, maybe two - the second one involving teasing if anything. But that had been friendly - not like this.

"He just started on Monday," Rory admitted with a sigh, realizing her fault in not telling him. But she remained unsure of herself - was this really it? What beef did he have with him that she didn't know about? That reaction was certainly stronger than what she'd anticipated.

"And why not tell me about it? I 'm pretty sure working with your former crush is reason enough to tell me. Unless of course you had a reason to keep this to yourself," Logan shot back, hating how accusatory that sounded. He'd hoped to come off more mature than this. Coming out of his therapy session he'd been just ready to make all kinds of sacrifices for her, ready to put his own insecurities aside and just give her all the time in the world - and now this? It felt like betrayal.

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