63 - Confronting

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December 25th, 2022, Nantucket

Logan had imagined what facing Lorelai for the first time after she found out he was the father would be like. He'd done so right after Rory had told him - the prospect seeming even more daunting than asking for her daughter's hand in marriage, at that point still believing there was some chance he'd get to take part in raising the child. Facing the Mother Lion seemed way worse than facing the Dark Lord. He'd expected his father to not really care, just set into problem solving mode - calculating the right amount to fix this. But from Lorelai he'd expected nothing like that - first and foremost he'd expected yelling, lots and lots of yelling. He couldn't hide behind his youthful naivete six years ago and he couldn't now. With her - he expected to feel shame, he expected to be made to feel his shame.

And that even with the accompanied realization now that Lorelai herself was far from perfect.

It was with a deep inhale that Logan followed Rory and Em downstairs, his enthusiasm to get this over with diminishing with each step. Rory was glad, but at the same time apprehensive, to see them both, Luke and Lorelai - Logan knew that. But it was still important for her to see her family during the holidays, even with the highlight of holidays was sipping hot cocoa and eating gingerbread men on the couch while watching Bad Santa or Home Alone, keeping the topics casual and innocent, ignoring the hurt, as Rory had described the last couple of years.

"There they are!" Emily exclaimed, putting on her best hostess act, even if that was completely unnecessary around people like Luke and Lorelai.

"Hi, mom," Rory said, briefly hugging her mother, as one would out of obligation.

"Hey, kid," Lorelai replied, directing her attention to Em instead, almost as if Logan wasn't in the room.

"Luke, hey... looking good," Rory added to the man, who still looked great for his age, even if a little thin on the top.

Em had a secret handshake thing with Lorelai, which Logan observed tentatively. This was the tricky part in this - Em liked Lorelai and this also meant her opinion had weight with the most important person in the room.

They couldn't just cut Lorelai out, they couldn't just embrace her in their lives either, not with the danger of her blackmouthing either of them or their decisions in life. But in this controlled setting she was in their daughter's life, and on occasion in Stars Hollow if Rory went to visit.

"And you look great," Luke complimented Rory.

"Logan," Lorelai said, coldly, catching him a little by surprise, just observing the dynamic, as Em had made a dash for the tree, knowing she was now free to dig into the presents.

"Lorelai," Logan nodded, shifting his gaze forward on Luke, who seemed to be waiting for a handshake. It was kind of a relief that he at least didn't seem to hate him. Logan knew the man had never been his biggest fan.

"Good to have you here," Luke said, surprising Logan.

"Good to be here," Logan replied appreciatively.

"Mom, can I open the presents now?" Em exclaimed excitedly, having already pulled out the biggest box there was under that majestic christmas tree in silver and white decor.

"Yes, of course!" Rory encouraged, sitting down on a floor pillow besides her girl. A brief glance towards Logan checked how he was doing, but at this point he too found it easier not to engage a lot and just watch his daughter's face light up.

"It's a scooter!" Em exclaimed, finding a purple two-wheel kick scooter in the biggest box. "I love it!" she added.

"It looks great!" Rory commented, glancing over to Lorelai as a thank you, knowing it had been their gift.

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