No.0-Prologue. Forgotten

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Boxes and boxes surrounded Natalie; she had just finished moving all of her equipment into her new lab at the apex center. Her apartment not far by with the same look, everything new and cluttered with boxes.

She was taking a break leaning against the wall, excitedly thinking about how her first game in the ring she created was going to go. She clasp her hands together, what did she want to unpack first?

Well, her pylon was a must, she still had to finish connecting some wires on it. It was definitely built on a bigger scale than what she originally created, but that was so she could easily deflect all oncoming grenades, or air drops.

She brought her pylon and fences out, setting them on what she designated as the main part of her counter surrounding her laboratory. Before she could get carried away, seeing exactly what was wrong with the pylon, she walked around the room, looking through the cabinets and creating a mental map of where everything needed to go.

She went around opening what seemed to the untrained eye, random boxes and giving the contents inside a place to go, she came across something she didn't remember packing.

The old bot starred up at the ceiling, lifeless and un-hopeful. She frowned pitiful. She thought back to when her dad had brought it home in hopes that one day she would fix up the machine.

She never really had the time to. She was always busy with something from the apex games. And it didn't help that he had stuffed the bot away in a closet. If it was unseen by her, it definitely wasn't crossing her mind.

She pulled the bot out, looking at all the beaten and battered parts. It was definitely old. She almost couldn't find a source anywhere on the metal.

Eventually, on the back on the bots right hand, she found an inscription.

Property of Rein Labs
Simulacrum No.1
Partical Engineer

Of course she still had no idea what any of that meant. It surely wasn't the lab her father worked at, and she didn't recognize the name at all. Where could this not have come from?

The date on the inscription didn't help. Clearly it was old, but without a proper year, she couldn't tell from just looking at it where the bot came from.

Her father had brought it home from his labs, the this inscription wasn't related to them or partnered with them. Maybe she could find the paperwork that came with the bot.

Sadly, after digging through boxes and making a slight mess of her lab already, she sat down by the bot a little defeated.

"Not to worry little bot. I'll fix you up." She spoke with a hopeful smile, lifting the arm and reading the inscription again.


Word count- 479

Sorry about the short first chapter, I wanted to put something out on this one today. I'm not sure where this story will go, eventually I'll make a timeline for it, but for now this is what I have written. Hope you guys like it😚

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