chapter 4- Fixing

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Alright, ik it's been like, a week, maybe more since I've updated this, but sum drama just recently happened and i had to put aside writing for a hot minute. However, for the horny octane fans I am putting up another chapter for octane one shots that gets real spicy. 

Also, I know that rampart wasn't in the games when Wattson joined, however this is a fanfiction, and I wanna add a twist to make it different and make it different. In fact, a few of legends that join the games later on will be in the games before Wattson joins, and a few will join Afterwords. For the most part they join in order. 

Anywho, enjoy :)


Ramya had you sat on her work bench, her room was the same size as Natelie's, but overcrowded with guns, boxes and unfinished projects. She was currently looking over you. 

"And we're just replacing some parts, ya?" She turned on her hip, looking back towards Natelie, a wrench in her hand. 

"That was the plan yes." Her legs swung back and forth off the bed, hands lightly gripping the edge as she waited for Ramya to ask for help. 

"No. . . upgrades? Don't you want to add 'personality' to the structure?" She asked, kneeling down and getting to work on your legs. 

"Um. .  how much would that cost?" Natalie asked curiously, leaning a little far off the edge, nearly falling off.

"Hmm. .  come over here and hold these while I think on that." she held out the exoskeleton to both your calves. Natelie scurried off the bed, scooping up the metal. 

"So what's the story on this bot?" she asked, you starred down at the two as they worked together. it felt weird to have your legs completely unusable, thanks to Ramya disabling the wires to them. But somehow, it also felt like DeJa'Vu. 

"Oh, it's just a simulacrum my father gave to me. She doesn't have any memories from what's I've experienced though." Natalies voice was sheepish around the word you had yet to prove about yourself. 

"Simulacrum?" she asked. "Are they Gonna put this bot in the games?" Ramya got excited, a smirk adorning her cheeks that lit her face, showing the gap between her teeth. 

"No, no, I would hope not." Natalies eyes widened with worry, grabbing a screwdriver Ramya motioned for. "i just do not wish for rust to dust my apartment." Ramya lifted her eyebrows, slowly nodding. 

"Ahaah, Gotchya." Although she spoke like she understood, her body language said she didn't. "Why do you have one of these things with you anyway?"  Her brows furrowed once more as she leaned down, getting up under your knee. 

"Well, as I said, my father-"

"Ya, ya, I get your father gave it to you. But like. Why do you still have it."

"Well. . ." Natalie paused, looking up at you. "I just don't want to leave it alone, I guess. and if she is a simulacrum, surely I can recover her memories." A hopeful smile crossed her lips as she looked up to you. 

"Alright. Well, I think I've been thinking long enough." After the second it took you to comprehend what she meant, she spoke again." You play with me your first game and I'll upgrade this baby." She tapped your leg, looking towards Natalie, popping bubble gum between her lips. 

Natalie smiled "sure thing. I'm sure it will be the most electrifying with you." She giggled at her words, Ramya almost forced a laugh, shaking her head as she got back to unscrewing bolts. 


You starred down at your new legs, in fact you had been for the fast 15 minutes. Natalie was getting ready for the game that was about to take way. 

They had dissabled most of your ability to move for the time they worked on making a new exosuit for you. In a way, you were naked. They wouldn't have time to finish the suit before the first game. So they just worked on getting all of the original suit off. 

You felt naked. 

Natalie (or should you call her wattson now?) stepped out of her room in her gear. She looked ready for the battle. Almost.

"What will you be fighting with?" you asked her, not seeing any sort of weapon holstered to her clothes. 

Ramya came out of her room, an awfully heavy looking mini gun attached to her back just minutes prior, so you could only assume.

"With guns, I thought I told you that yesterday?" Wattson looked towards you worried. 

"Yes, I remember it's just." You paused, maybe she would have something on her back. 

All you found was a pair of rockets and her pylon.

"You seem to lack said. . . guns" you spoke with worry. She let out a laugh. 

"Oh, no no. You will see in a bit. Just wait Mon cher-i." She skipped forward, over to Ramya and a struggling. . . Octavio? you recognized his accent, but his battle suit was. . . something that you wouldn't describe as a battle suit. 

"I know, I'm sorry for last game, but everyone else's teams are full, I can't just go down there solo."

"Sure ya can, and I'll kill ya so you come back up here where you belong." A very angry rampart with a stern attitude and sassily leaning on one hip clearly had enough of the boy standing before her. 

"Is everything alright?" Wattson said as she skipped over to the couple of legends. 

"Hey! Nat! We're pals yea? Can i be on your team?"

"Of course! That'd be magnifique! Rampa. . ah" she stutter stepped as she realized her mistake. rampart rolled her eyes, grabbing the Spanish by his color and dragging him to the rest of the legends. 

"I'm only doing this because natalie likes ya,"

"Does she really?" 

"Ah. .  I don't think she-"

"Of course not dumbass, it was a figure of speech." Rampart let go of Octane, tripping over his own feet, Wattson caught him by the hand and pulled him back up.

You watched from Wattsons door as they bickered, waiting for the events to take place. 

Everyone was in groups of three but wasn't there supposed to be 60 of them? Wattson caught your confused and worried gaze and smiled. She waved as the floor below them began to open up, natural light seeping through the vent. 

The three of them stood for a few more seconds before you could no longer see the top of their heads. A certain panic flowed through you as you thought about how it would go. 

On the tv above where they had departure, showed a bird's eye view of the events happening below. The opening closed after a moment, and you were free to walk around. You walked up to the tv, walking around to view all four of them. 

They all showed different views, some being from a legend's chest, some from inside the buildings and others flying high above all the commotion. 

You found one with Wattson, she was in a building, her fences set up at the doors. She was holding one of them shut. You whisked to another tv.

Octavio running around a building, his gun out and a stim in his chest. He was on Natalies team, right? Surely you could watch him.

But it changed to another legend. Your lense whirred as you took a step forward, as it to change it back. 

Maybe you could figure out how to change it back. 

Although you didn't feel right doing it, you snuck into Ramyas room. No guards were around so you got off scotch free. Searching through her boxes you finally found what you wanted. 

After a painful ten minutes of staring in the mirror and hooking up a newly coded system and wiring to your hard drive, you now were freely able to access the tvs control. 

You just hoped it would only affect this TV.

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