Chapter 8- Under New Operations

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yo, sorry its been a while. I'm kind of not sure where this story is going, but I'm having fun getting back into writing again. the lore is going to be slightly different from the games, as you could probably guess, aside from the fact that a new legend is being implemented. i'm sure ill figure out how to explain it later. Toodles.

(Also let me know if my spelling+grammar is fucked, I tried my best but my eyes are going crossed at this point lol)


While getting your upgrades, you ask about your programming. Natalie says he is a friend of hers. She explains how someone joined the games and she had grown sort of close to him, but he wasn't very easily opening up to her. You've ask to meet him, and when she tries, he denies it.

Natalie is frightened by you still. A day till your new voice box arrives and you can barely handle it. 

Weeks go by, Natalie has helped you with signing paperwork and getting officially titled as,

Codename-Electromagnetic Menace.

Field name- Peril

Passive- comms hack - Can hear squads within 45 meters of them, able to determine the voices and hear some conversations. Not able to see where they are or determine how far they are.

Tactical- Bent metal - Creates a small magnetic field around her of 1 meter on either side that can curve projectiles for a duration of 2 seconds, and can still take damage from ornaments and fire. If using a weapon in this state, the gun will bloom.

Ultimate- magnetic disruption - By hacking into the ring's interface, she can disrupt the magnet field within 20 meters on either side of her that will temporarily disrupt and damage any enemy projectiles or traps for 10 seconds.

As per the Apex games request, a legend names 'Crypto' is going to help reprogram you. The official programmers aren't allowed to see the sensitive Data saved in your coding. However, they saw fit that he had no reason to share any of it, nor access it unless he wanted to be departed from competing. 

Natalie left you with her new "friend". He wore a coat, green and white, black hair and glasses. With enough common sense, you deduced from the trademark on his coat you started with a question.

"I have been asleep for 5 months and 3 days. How long have you been around for that time?" He looked at you, mildly shocked. He swallowed.

"I have been working on this project with Natelie as payback for "scarring" her. About a month now," he answered. You scanned over him.

He wasn't a stupid boy. You knew he was the one that reprogrammed you. and he knew that too.

"When will I be joining the games?" he looked back to his hand-held computer.

"They want me to have you ready by June 4th."

"They want me in tomorrow's game?"


"Am I ready by your standards?"

"You were. Then you changed your coding on me. I already went against their regulations they set for me with your code. They're going to blame it on me now that you're fucked up." He seemed very upset at this point. You almost felt bad.

But he nearly murdered Natalie. You couldn't care less about the adrenaline junky, but Natalie hadn't done anything wrong.

And you couldn't go against the Dr's. coding. not if it meant losing the part Natalie had left of him.

"I can hide my . . . 'impurities' for you if it pleases you." You began looking through your coding, seeing how you might be able to hide it from any inspectors.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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