Chapter 2- Like New

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You were. . . exceptionally clean. Before Natelie left the lab she stopped and asked if you would like to accompany her to her apartment. So you wouldn't feel alone. 

"Even if you are a simulacrum its best for you to have human contact, for more experience around them." Her smile was so bright; knowing she was comfortable around you. . . in lack of better words felt nice. 

Following behind her you let yourself through the doorway. Her house was not nearly as decorated as the lab she worked in. Cluttered with boxes all looking like they were put there just today, pristine and lacking dust. 

"Um, I haven't really checked out the place I'm still unpacking stuff." She looked around with just as curious a look as you. "I actually just got everything moved in today." A nervous giggle escaped her lips.

"Oh. Fun." You walked around, the robotic buzz loud with each step.

As you looked back to the young scientist you noticed she started unpacking a box, pictures and posters were neatly stacked and rolled inside.

"Do you need help with anything Doctor?" You asked, rudely assuming she took the same title as her father.

"Oui, but do not address me by that, I am no doctor. I am an engineer, "She paused, a smiled creeping onto her face, but even you could tell it was forced. "I never went to any sort of medical school." There was a nervous laughers hidden in her voice, as if she was being held to a higher standard than what she liked.

"Oh. My bad then." You apologized simply. "Would you like me to address you as just Natalie then?" Her smile brightened.

"Oui, z'that would be just fine." She brought a handful of posters out from the box, placing them in front of you.

"Where would you like these?" You unrolled one, reading the print.

Apex Legends.
Stories Of The Outlands.

Below the writing was a young hunter, their face adorned with a mask and goggles, topped off with a skull of a beast you didn't recognize. 

"Oh, anywhere is fine. I just wanted to make it a bit more home-y than what it is." She waved her hand, bringing out her own stack of pictures to hang up.

You looked around, looking for somewhere to put the poster.

The doctor always called your organization skills weird, so the look of curiosity you gained from the young engineer was something you weren't unused to.

After hanging up many posts and avoiding the odd gaze she gave you through your process, you turned towards her. she gave a look of approval. 

"So, you do not know what a simulacrum is?" She broke the comfortable silence. You looked towards her. 

"I don't believe I've heard of such a thing." You tilted your head curiously. She smiled sadly before stepping towards you. 

"well, it says here you used to be one, and you certainly don't act like a bot, well, you're acting out of your own free thoughts, of course you still obey humans because you have been programmed." She rambled, not entirely helping you understand what she was talking about. 

"I'm sorry to be a bother, but what is a simulacrum?" you asked, extending your wrist out in front of you to read the inscription yourself. 

"oh, oui, it um- I don't know the precise definition, but I believe it is a human soldier in a robotic body. I don't know how you would have wound up coded the way you are."  reading the inscription you thought for a second. 

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