Chapter 1- Thinking

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For those who do not know-

Y/F/N=Your full fame

Y/N=Your name

That is all, have fun reading


Everything was dark. It was always dark. It would always be dark.

What was your purpose again?

Clean up spills. Obey the scientists. Pick up around the lab.

The scientist were so nice. What happened? Why is everything dark?

The memories ran through the bots hard drive. A scene played out in front of you, like it was still happening.

It was quiet, everything was steady. Paquette slowly poured something into a glass. You assumed it had a bad reaction.

But it wasn't the liquid. It was someone elses lab.

An explosion rang through the hallways, shaking the building. You helped paquette out of the building but something was wrong about you just sitting outside. Your limbs moved as if they were coded for this very moment.

Shouting came through the hallway, you understood what you needed to do.

Everything was smokey. Covered in soot. It was hard to see through your Lense. You barely saw them, huddled in the corner, passed out, assumably from the lack of oxygen.

Everything was kind of currupted after that. It was like your system tried blocking out the footage. Why would it do that?

Why were you thinking?

You haven't thought in so long.

What day was it?

Why couldnt you see anything?

"Hello?" Your microphone spoke, you swore you felt the dust waying down on you still. "Is anyone there?" You called out.

"Oh!" A feminine voice came from the darkness. "You do speak. This is so good! I'm Natalie, oh, Natalie Paquette," she introduced herself. Your harddrive wirred as the name sparked memory.

"Paquette?" You questioned.

"Yes, you must've worked for my father." Her voice was cheerful and bubbly with the same accent as the old scientist you help. Your camera lenses wirred as a towel was wiped across the glass protecting them.

Everything was bright again. You looked around the room. The base was a plain white, clearly it was still be organized, but there were noted and posters hung up all across the walls.

It was a labratory. Were you still there? Did they clean up after the fire? Was the girl you saved okay?

"I read here, your name is Y/N?" you looked back down to the young scientist. She looked up, clearly seeing the two camera lenses through the human mask you wore, and wondering if the mask was molded after you.

"No?" You looked through your memories. "The scientist called me Reid's." She took a moment, her lips parting in confusion as she looked down to the hand she held up.

"Oh, well it says here this is your name. You are a simulacrum?" that didn't spark any thoughts. You didn't know what that was.

"What is a 'simulacrum'?" you asked, tilting your head. She nervously chuckled.

"Oh dear. Um. . . Your memories must be blocked er. . . or erased. . ." Her fingers tapped on the counter, thinking hard about how to over come this one.

"I've noticed I cannot access all of my hard drive. Do you know why?" The scientist looked up.

"No I'm sorry." She took a step back. "You knew my father? Did you work for him."

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