What happened?

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Natelie was too worried about the guard's wellbeing than turning you off anymore, closing the door and locking it, she helped him up and banged on Ajays door.

"Ajay, please wake up I need you to see something." She would've kept knocking, but afraid of waking the other legends was also on her mind.

"It's almost 1 AM girl, what you wantin?" Her voice was muffled, a shuffling heard behind the door before she opened it, her eyes widened at the hunched over guard leaning on Natelie.

"I don't know what to do." The look in her eyes pitied Ajay. she signaled for her to come into the room, taking the guard from her and setting him onto the bed.

A knock came to the door behind her. she opened it.

"Oh, hi," his face seemed to grow even more confused by the second when he realized just why Natalie was in another legends room with a guard who was passed out on Ajax's bed. "what are you doing in Ajay's room?" Elliott accompanied by Octavio and Ramya stood outside the door, all tired and confused. She opened the door farther to let them see the guard, now affectively knocked out. They stood in a quiet shock.

"I had to help him. I'm sorry if I disturbed your rest." Elliott waved his hand, dismissing her words. Octavio and Ramya had another story written on their faces.

"What happened to the poor bastard?" Ramya took a step in front of Elliott earning a disgruntled look from him.

"He um. . . well he got bashed against a wall." she said sheepishly.

"Pretty hard to, I think he's got a concussion." Ajay had doc hooked up to the guard and an icepack on his head. "What were ya doing up anyway girl?"

She stuttered, being on the spotlight for a little too long for her liking.

"I just. . . I woke up and. . . I'm not sure, I remembered about Y/N and I had to find her suddenly because. . . I don't know. I was worried about her."

"And how did that lead to," Ramya paused, motioning to the knocked-out guard.

"Did Y/N show him what for?" Octavio piped up, hopping to see over Ramya's shoulder.

She didn't know how to respond, trying her best, but not being able to help the stutters. "I- no. . . no, she. I don't think she-"

Natelie was cut by a banging ringing throughout the hallway. Ramya and Octavio looked relatively excited for commotion, Elliott and Ajay on the other hand had about the same startled face that Natelie had.

"That wouldn't be Y/N would it?" Octavio took steps towards the banging while Elliott talked. "Hey wait, now, have you learned anything from any horror movies."

"Yea, you don't have fun if you run away from the loud noises." He cackled as he took off down the hallway. Elliott looked back to the others with worried eyes. Ramya shrugged.

"Suit yourself, I'm with him." She followed after the junkie. Natelie though begrudgingly felt she was obligated to check on you.

"Hey, wait, you're going? What if you get hurt."

"Once you see what the guard did to her, I'll be warranted for checking on her." she spoke calmly, trying to slow her heart rate. She was also afraid you would lash out at the others.

Natelie caught up to them, the banged loud and consistent.

"Is she in there?" Octavio was meddling with the lock, Ramya holding a flashlight up to it.

"Yes. . ." she didn't want them to get hurt if you did that again.

"I think I know what happened." Ramya stated looking back to Natelie. Her eyes widened and she kneeled down to her level.

"Do tell," she pushed Octavio away, having the key the guard used earlier to unlock it.

"When we were takin her apart, I saw some nasty strong magnets all along her. She could knock Sheila out of my hands if she wanted to." Natelie looked surprised but confused still.

"How would magnets have thrown the guard?" The key turned, and she took the chains off slowly.

"Natelie?" you voice made everything stop, it was muffled and frightened.

"Just a moment Mon ami. i'll be with you shortly." she reassured the bot, though a frightened shaking hand held back from opening the door. "May everybody step back, I do not wish for any more trouble." Octavio was ten feet away after hearing what Ramya had to say.

Elliott took no time in waiting, joining Octavio, Ramya sat with Natelie, waiting for her to open the door. She hesitated, standing fully before turning the knob.

You were quietly sat against the doorframe, holding yourself up using an arm, the other one raised like it was going to start banging again.

"I'm so sorry." She went to grab you, lifting you up not caring for the sparks that flew off you. "Please do not do that again. You knocked out that guard."

You tried holding most of your weight, all of it leaning onto one foot making it difficult to balance.

"I did not want to cause harm. I was. . . frightened, I am sorry." your voice was no better than it had been earlier, but you had softened it for Natelie.

"It's okay. here, I will fix you." she began walking down the hallway, holding you up to hop alongside her. Ramya took place on your other shoulder.

"I'll help ya tomorrow." she promised, hoisting you up so you wouldn't scrape against the floor. "I'm sleepin in because of this though." she added, Nat smiled.

"That is alright. I'll get started on her wires tonight. Maybe Octavio would help?" she looked over her shoulder, Octavio was far behind everyone else, afraid to go near the bot.

"Is that thing gonna through me against the wall like that guard?" she understood his worry, looking towards you for your answer.

"You have no harmful intensions. I will not activate. . . that again." it seemed you didn't even know what you had done as confusion rang through your voice.

"Good." He didn't sound assured.

"You do not have to accompany us. I will likely start early in the morning anyway." She stopped by her door, opening it and setting you by the end of the bed. "Everyone get their rest. I am sorry for disturbing you." Ramya was gone before the others." Elliott stayed while Octavio jogged to his room.

"You sure you'll be alright with that?" he looked back to you. You looked up with a glare in your eyes. He shuddered.

"I'm am certain, i just need time to fix her." She closed the door halfway. "Thank you for the concern though. I appreciate it." He nodded.

"well, if you need to get away from it, my rooms open." he chuckled nervously. Natelie pursed her lips.

"I am sorry Elliott, but I think I would head to Ramya for help with Y/N." she spoke with guilt in her voice.

"No, it's fine. she knows a lot about, machinery stuff. . ." he awkwardly leaned from leg to leg, ashamed at his wording.

"Good night, Elliott." Natelie closed the door, leaving him to sigh and walk back to his room. She looked back to you, a glint in your eyes as she looked over all the broken parts.

She walked over, sitting on the floor opposite of you and sighed. "Tell me what went through your mind earlier, after I left?"

You lifted your head, recalling the memory.


Word count- 1220

I'm actually halfway proud of the interactions in this one. I've never written more than three characters interacting in one scene, so it was definitely something new. Also sorry for the pause in posting. My computer stopped turning on again but it's Christmas time and my mom can never keep things to herself so I got an iPad early. Hope you enjoyed!

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