Chapter 5- Defencive

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Wattson's hands sparked together before placing them on Octavio's chest. The alarm rang throughout the arena, she knew it would when she saw the falling tower. Of course her first game would go wrong. 

She tried her best to keep a happy face. 

"Thanks!" Octane, jumped a little, shaking himself off as he just got shocked back to life. 

"Emergency! All legends must evacuate the arena immediately." The robotic voice blared over the speakers.

Wattson flashed a small smile towards octane. She looked around the terrain, towards all the other legends who were as disoriented as she was. Her attention was drawn away from each other and towards the distant skies. 

"What is that?" Bangalore, someone they had just been in a fight with, walked up to the two of them. 

A slow worry filled her eyes as she watched the skies fill with flyers. 

It took a while to round up everyone. This delay would mean an extra day on the ship, but surely, she could handle it. Though thinking now, she already dreaded sleeping in that bed again tonight. It was stiff and as small as apex could let it be. 

'It wasn't meant for comfort; Things aren't comfortable in the games'.

She had to remind herself that too often. 

The ship that had picked her and the other legends up had finally landed; or connected with the drop ship. Everyone was soon allowed to enter.

Natelie felt like she had forgotten something. She had her pylon, her fences. . . didn't she bring something else.

The thought struck her in the middle of the night, everyone was supposed to be asleep. 

A guard turned around the corner, hearing her footsteps. 

"What are you doing outside of your quarters?" Natelie felt relief wash over her as she saw him. 

"Have you seen my robot?" The guards brows furrowed. 

"Your robot? That simulacrum belongs to you?" In a smooth action, his hand gripped a gun on his hip. She stuttered, the worry flowing through her from the day before. She knew she shouldn't've brought you. 

"No! I . . . You guys let her on the ship. . . Why would you ask me that?" Another layer of confusion replaced her worries. Did they take her?

"We didn't know it would mess with the live TV. Better yet, try to escape when that stupid tower crashed." The guards defenses were lowered slightly, his hand no longer tense. "I'm thinking it rigged the tower to blow."

"I . . . she did that? how could she do that?" The guard sighed heavily. His hands now at his sides as he motioned for Natelie to walk with her. 

"Fucking beats me. you know how to shut her off?" Her shoulders slumped a bit. She had only turned the bot on for a day, and it already tried destroying? Did she do something wrong. surely not. But it had never acted up with her father. . . right?

"I do," she nodded. The guard motioned for her to follow, leading her to a chained-up room. 

"I know it seems like a lot, but we can't take any risks." she frowned at all the effort they put into locking up the friendly bot. 

After he finished, she slowly walked inside. It was an emptied-out closet. You were sat down on the floor. 

"Is there a light?" she asked. You looked up, your lenses whirred. 

"Natelie!" As you tried to get up, a wire in your leg sent out a spark, causing Natelie to back up slightly. The guards hand searched the wall for a light switch and eventually she was able to see you. 

"Stay right there." You were. . . broken. a few wires looked beaten out of place, a few of them torn out. The metal plating that was still there was, beaten, repairable, but she would prefer not to touch it. 

"Sorry, about the mess. It wouldn't stop try to get out of our grasp and none of us knew how to deactivate it." The guard looked sheepish. Natelie kneeled towards you, reaching a handout to grab you. 

"What happened?" Her eyes were on you, but the guard let a confused hum out. 

"I just told you."

"I didn't ask you." Natelie looked over her shoulder, a sharp glare towards him. He nodded and backed up. 

"You were in trouble. The TVs went static, and I couldn't see you anymore." Something in your voice module had been broken, she winced at the high pitched "S" noise that emanated from it. 

"Is that all?" You looked around, clearly, they had drug you here, but why?

"I tried hacking into the ships system. An alert went off as I opened the hatch that you dropped out of." Natelie's eyes were wide with concern, she took a deep breath, waiting for the rest. "We were landed though. I didn't get far, the guards caught up to me by that time." 

"You tried to find me?" you shook your head yes, seeing the discomfort in her eyes as you spoke. 

She sighed. 

"I'm sorry Y/N. I have to turn you off while you are on the ship. Me and Ramya will be working on repairing you. Do not worry." You recoiled. 

"Please. don't. I don't want it to go dark again." A fear laced in your voice as you spoke, Natelie stepped back, nearly tripping backwards as you tried to stand, your leg kicking forward with a force that would've knocked her over. 

"I do not mean to harm you. It will only be temporary," She tried reassuring to no good. You held your arm up, an open hand to keep Natelie back. 

She heard the guard take a step forward, Natelie held a hand up, stopping him.

"Do not come any closer!" You tripped a little, but managed to stand using one leg, the other drooping, as if dead. 

"Wattson?" The guard questioned her judgement, taking another step forward. 

Without warning, a loud ringing filled Natelie's ears. She covered them, her eyes wide from the shock before closing them and gritting her teeth. It was deafening. 

she backed up against the wall, her eyes watering as she tried blocking out the noise. When it finally stopped, her vision was blurry, barely able to make out the guard on the floor next to her, slumped against the wall.

A gasp left her as she scurried over to him. His eyes closed tight, and brows furrowed from the pain. His movement slow, he lifted a hand to his forehead. It looked like he was bashed against it, unlike herself. The wall above him slightly dented from where he hit.  

His eyes opened, landing on you, Natelie turn to look. 

"What was that?" she asked, her heart racing. You hadn't moved, yet this guard was nearly knocked out of the floor. 

You were shaking against the wall. She knew better than to label the unmoving face you wore as scarred, but that's all you seemed to harbor. 


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