Not again

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Hi, im back. Sorry, this is late, once again asking for an editor lol.

This feels familiar.

You heard the blades of a fan from somewhere in front of you. Everything was still, your lenses whirred to life. Everything became clear.

The familiarity broke when you didn't see Natalie smiling in front of you. You looked around. She was no where. How did you wake up?

You looked down, your legs had a new plating on them, they felt off. When you went to move them, instead of the loud scraping noise that would typically accompany the movement, you were met with a gentle whir.

You took a step forward, testing the new joints. They held your weight perfectly. Now was time to figure out where you were.

You hadn't remembered Natelie nor Ramya talking about bring you to a lab. An uncertainty flowed through you as you recalled the memory, trusting Natalie to turn you off.

No, Natelie wouldn't have betrayed you, perhaps Ramya took you somewhere without her permission.

You looked around, a door piqued your curiosity. You walked up to it, finding it locked. Analyzing the keypad you easily figured out the code.

It may had been a touch screen rather than buttons, but the tells were still there. You pushed the glass, entering the code. A click followed by a beep sounded. Grasping the handle you found it still locked.

Your head tilted.

Walking around the room in hopes to find something that would give you a hint as to why you were here.

All drawers were locked. As well as the closet.

This seemed too clean. Perhaps your assumption of Ramya stealing you was wrong. Perhaps she gave you away to someone else behind Natalie's back.

Perhaps you were overthinking this.

You stood in place for a moment, listening to every creak and groan the building made.

It was almost like voices talking, like metal on metal you walked up to another cabinet, carefully opening it, now understanding the situation.

Your eye opened, careful not to disturb the scene before you, you saw Natalie, and ramya, or what you hoped to be them. Ramya was quick to notice something off, being the one actually working on your partially detached legs. Natalie sat on her bed behind her, holding parts and muttering about the game.

Ramya shooshed her. Bringing her hand up to your head, you moved. She cursed, tossing your leg to the side and man handling you to the ground till-

Everything was bright again. Your thoughts were jumbled. Then everything went dark again.

It would be line that for a while, a blinding light would break you out of slumber, then before you could even find your way back to consciousness, darkness. Again and again and again.

' Mon Ami?' Her voice caught you off guard, you search for your way to consciousness, dazed from trying so many times, you're head overheating from the- well- the anger. There must've been a better word surely.

'Natalie?' Your voice box managed, still tattered as before. You heard the wince, the step back of hesitation. She didn't like that sound.

'Can you see?' She sheepishly questioned. You tried blinking. Yes you could see, but everything was out of focus, you didn't remember much from before, but you must've taken a bad beating.

'I can' you answered. A nervous chuckle left her lips. You tilted your head. ' I am having trouble focusing, my sensors may need fine tuning.' Your voice was horrible to hear. Natalie nodded.

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