Chapter 3- The Dropship.

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 You followed closely behind her as she walked, her pylon strapped to her back with her fences folded at her sides. She had to admit, when working on turning you on she was worried it would be scary, especially since you were a simulacrum.

But now, seeing you had no ill intentions, her worries were no more than a pin.

She hoped bringing you to the dropship wouldn't cause her too much attention. She didn't even know if that was allowed if she was being honest. You were just so insistent. She couldn't resist.

"So, what is the point of these games?" You questioned, the walk was long and empty. She supposed filling the silence was for the best.

"Well, there are 60 players in teams of 3 competing to win money." She explained simply. You computed for a second. She did like your personality so far. Although it could have been coding she hoped it was the human slipping through.

"Oh no, they heal you though right?" The engineer smiled.

"Of course they heal us. Let's hurry, I want you to meet somebody." She ushered the two of you, dragging you along, her hand tight around yours.

"Hello Miss paquette." The old man spoke through a mask with a raspy and worn voice.

"Hello Doctor Caustic." She gave him a little wave. The doctor did not look thrilled to be in the company of anyone. "How are you this morning?" He grunted.

"I am doing. . . exceptional. What is that you have brought with you?" His eyes lowered to the bot, no taller than Natalies collarbone, they looked battle worn.

"Oh, this is Y/N. They are a bot my father gifted to me a long time ago. They wanted to come with me to the drop ship." She clasped her hands together, realizing she was still holding yours. "I just fixed them up yesterday actually. When my father gave them to me they had been shut down from an explosion."

"Hmm." He hummed, thinking. "And you think they will allow you to bring it to the games?" He asked, questioning her doubts she had in the back of her mind.

"Well. . I was thinking about that, but I am hoping they will allow Y/N onto the ship with me at least, so they can watch from above." She spoke a bit sheepishly. He turned towards the elevator as it dinged. You stood straight, your chest puffed out, even without height at your side, you tried your best to look. . . intimidating.

"We shall see." He walked inside, she followed, the elevator closing with the three of you inside.

The doctor's eyes landed on you, you starred idly at the walls, knowing there was no point in feeding his flames.

The elevator doors opened, the three of you stepped out and walked in silence. You strode by Natalie's side, between her and the doctor, a protective nature taking over your coding.

Eventually, you arrived at the so-called drop ship. Before allowing you on you were searched for anything on the robotic body. You stared forward, a dead gaze towards the wall.

When they finished searching you, Natalie was allowed onto the ship. Escorted by three guards, two by your side and one leading Natalie through the ship.

For the most part it was open, there was however a portion sectioned off for the legends sleeping quarters.

"How long will we be here?" You questioned when the guard left to escort the next legends.

"Oh, just a few days. I'm actually kinda glad I brought you thinking about it. You'd be so lonely in the apartment." She sat down on the bed. The compartment for her room was small, only spaced for a bed and a table. You assumed the bathroom was elsewhere.

"Are we just doing one game?"

"No, I will be doing five games. One each day." She informed you. You looked around.

"Shall we go meet the other legends?"


Not too many people were here, so she introduced you to the one she did know.

"Y/N, this is Hope, she is a close friend of mine." The person before you was definitely less threatening than the one before, perhaps she wouldn't look like she wanted to kill you constantly.

You held out a hand, a simple gesture but a habit you were called odd for. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I believe I hung up a poster with you and the other legends on it in Natalie's kitchen." Natalie burned up at the statement.

"Just, just for decoration of course, it's got all the legends on it." Her hand gripping your shoulder she smiled nervously, a laugh escaping her lips as she continuously leaned from one hip to the next.

"I have one in my living room as well, Nat-" Hope admitted, smiling calmly.

Over the course of the evening, Natalie proceeded to introduce you to Elliott, Octavio, and Gibraltar. You thought they were all charming. The older one more well mannered for sure but the younger two had sparks of personality that was hard to describe.

"Chica this bots' parts are ancient." The Spanish had your hand in his as he examined your joints. "I'm surprised the things still together." Exasperated, he leaned back, looking you up and down with wide eyes.

"Yes, I noted that. They seem to work perfectly fine, but I do eventually want to change out some of the really rusted parts." she giggled nervously. You noticed her tone change lightly around Octavio.

Right, some joints near your "pelvice" were too rusty or just too hard to reach in order to get the rust off. As well as your hands, it was difficult getting everything between your fingers. Eventually you did want to get an entire new exo-suit.

"I bet Ramya's got some spare parts in her room you could use if you asked." He mentioned. Natalie's eyes lit up with the idea of starting on getting you fixed.

"You think so?" She looked at you, thinking of where to start.

"Oh yea, I dunno what she'll charge but you could probably get to work on this relic with her." He chuckled. Nat smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Octavio, would you like to accompany us." Octavios face went a little pale as he took a step back.

"Ah, sorry, no can do. I may have caused her to lose the last game, so I don't think she's too happy with me" he chuckled, scratching behind his neck and stutter stepping.

"Oh, that's too bad." She spoke sadly, before looking towards you. "Well, we should go get started on fixing you up, yes?" You looked up to her.

"That would be nice."


word count- 1082

if anyone had free time on there hands i am am sort of looking for an editor/proofreader. its hard to look at a screen for so long :(((. if not dont worry, i'll still get the chapters out as fast as i can.

if you are intrested you can comment, i'll be doing a first come first serve sort of ordeal. you can edit some chapters for my octane oneshots book as well :) 

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