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To say Aurora was pissed was an understatement.

She officially was done.

After Percy's claiming, Aurora was terrified. She had a feeling that he was the one in the prophecy. She had prayed, desperately prayed that he would turn out to be the son of some other Olympian. Anyone except for Poseidon. For her father's warning of the son of Poseidon rang in her ears clear as day.

She remembered that night. It was a few weeks before Percy arrived at Camp. Eros had visited her in her dream.

Aurora had been dreaming about Saffron. It was a common occurrence. Saffron and she stood alone in a deserted garage. They were talking happily. Then suddenly his warm brown eyes shifted to a cold golden color. His sweet smile became maniac. Blood oozed out of his stomach. His horns began to crumble and disintegrate. Just before he disintegrated completely, he screamed the words that haunted her every night. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT."

Suddenly her dream changed, and she stood in an apartment. A very modern and very luxurious apartment mind you. A man stood in front of her. She recognized the man immediately. How could one not recognize their own father?

"Hello dad," she said, trying to control her beating heart. The dream had left her shaken again.

"Hello Aurora. It took me a while to enter you dream."

Aurora couldn't make out whether he knew what she had been dreaming off.

"Why are you here?" she asked instead.

"I come with a warning, Aurora."

"Wh... what?"

"Listen to me Aurora. Something happened on the day of your field trip to Olympus. I am forbidden to tell you what. But the situation on Olympus is dangerous."

"That's why the weather is messed up?"

He nodded.

"It's something to do with Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, right?"

He looked uncomfortable but nodded.

"Aurora. Listen to me. I do not trust any of the Big Three. Zeus broke his oath and sired Thalia Grace. I broke my oath and sired you. I have no doubt that Poseidon and Hades too must have broken their oaths. If one arrives at Camp, do not get close to them, Aurora. It is dangerous. Zeus's rage ever since you were claimed has been swirling. However, my mother calms him. I have no doubt that if he finds out of another child that has been sired against his will and knowledge his anger will be uncontrollable. My oath was much more serious than theirs. Do not bring this upon yourself."

"Dad, I don't understand. Why shouldn't I get close to them? And the way you speak... do you know of any child of the Big Three?"

Eros looked at his daughter straight in the eye.

"Do not ask questions, Aurora. Trust me. I'm trying to protect you."

Aurora felt a hot course of anger rush through her veins. How dare Eros say this. He left her in an orphanage for the first seven years of her life.

Her surroundings began to flicker. "Your body awakes now. Goodbye child. Heed my advice."

Aurora opened her mouth to argue. But her body betrayed her, and she awoke to a new day.

Aurora had almost forgotten the dream. However, it came rushing back to her when Percy drowned Clarisse, exposing his connection to water. Even after that she tried to ignore it. It might have been something related to another water god. 

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