chapter one

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Harry looked into the mirror in front of him staring at his reflection. After returning to Hogwarts he had found that there was hardly anywhere he could go just to be alone for a while. The great hall was always packed with students demanding why he had yet to stop the Dark Lord and blaming him for the death of their dead loved ones after an article in the paper or a black envelope had arrived via an important looking owl from the Ministry declaring the death of a student's relative. He had finally slipped away from his best friends who had taken to following him everywhere, if one left his side then another came forward to take their place causing him to feel trapped and claustrophobic due to never having a moment of piece alone with only himself for company.

The room of requirement was his first destination but soon realised that the room was too well known after Ron and Hermione had found him asking once again about his health before persuading him to leave to join them in the library with the rest of his friends. So he had come here to the girl's bathroom on the second floor where Myrtle roamed. However, she never nagged or forced him to talk to her after she had first seen him instead she had just welcomed him to her bathroom once again before settling on the window ledge and leaving him to his much needed silence.

His reflection looked nothing like his normal bespectacled gaze instead his eyes were sunken in a too pale and thin face. Dark bruises lay beneath his dull green eyes from too little sleep and he knew that he had not been eating enough as the usual extra fat he put on after returning to Hogwarts from the Dursleys was nonexistent leaving him able to feel his every rib through his now too baggy school robes. He knew he should be taking better care of himself but he just didn't seem the point anymore; his godfather and one of the only ones who actually cared about him is dead and the other Remus was no longer talking to him not that Harry could blame him Harry blamed himself for it.

If only he hadn't been so stupid as to believe Voldemort's vision but now it was too late his father figure was no longer here and his uncle of sorts wanted nothing to do with him, he'd never felt so alone in his life. He knew he was spiralling dangerously into a deep depression but he just couldn't seem to pull himself out no matter how hard he tried. And to make matters worse he was in love with his supposed school rival Draco Malfoy and he knew that some of Draco's friends knew and if no when they told Draco, Harry knew he'd be disgusted not that Harry could blame him as he wasn't much to look at and he didn't even know if Draco was gay but he wasn't about to test that theory.

Looking at his watch Harry saw that it was past curfew and decided it was time to head back to the Gryffindor Common room, least he be caught by Snape. But luck it seemed was once again not on his side as he was nearing the seventh floor he was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that he'd bumped into the object of his affections, bouncing off of a hard muscled back and landing rather painfully on the floor bringing him effectively out of his thoughts. Looking up Harry could feel his face go a bright scarlet as he looked at Draco from his position, luckily he hadn't knocked Draco to the floor as he knew he'd be getting his arse kicked if he did. "I'm sorry." Harry mumbled as he scrambled to his feet and rushing off to the common room without a second look back as the loud laughter of Crabbe and Goyle followed him up the corridor.

"What is so funny?" Draco snapped as he watched his long time crush and recently found mate flee up the corridor as if he was being chased by Hell Hounds. "Don't you know?" Crabbe sneered at him through his laughter. Draco growled at them to tell him what was so funny unless they wanted to find themselves in the Hospital Wing as he could feel his fangs starting to elongate.

"I thought at least Pansy would have told you." Goyle chuckled this time but stopped and held his hands up in surrender when Draco's growling increased. "Okay. Okay calm down Draco. That little freak that just bumped into you is in love with you. That's why he's not eating or anything anymore he's hoping you'll love him too." Goyle laughed.

"As if," Crabbe continued. "Who could love him he's not even anything to look at or even that smart. Don't tell us you haven't noticed him stairing at you with a dopey look on his face that Pansy gets when she looks at you that's how we figured it out. Maybe we should teach him a lesson, after all that he and his friends have done to us." Crabbe mused chuckling darkly this time.

"NO!" Draco shouted Crabbe and Goyle looked at him in shock and a little bit of anger but before they could say anything Draco hurriedly continued. "No I want to do this myself after all the freak has...feelings for me after all does he not. Go back to the Common room I'll come in a bit once I have thought of something to do to him." Draco ordered them. He hated himself for his thoughts but it was the only way for him to get them to leave without them causing a scene or asking questions. 'Now all I need to do is figure out a way to prove to Harry that I return his feelings and that he is my mate. I never even thought that Harry would return my feelings, now I know the reason why he's not eating but it can't be the only reason there has to be something else?' Draco thought as he paced up and down the corridor.

But little did he know Crabbe and Goyle were planning on attacking Harry in Myrtle's bathroom tomorrow as they'd noticed when they followed him a few days ago that he always went there and stayed there till after curfew. They knew once they attacked him not only will no one find him until it was too late but they'd also get back into Draco's good books which they'd been falling from for a while now.

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