chapter 2, Ambushed

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Harry sighed as he entered Moaning Myrtle's bathroom again for Merlin knows how many times since he'd started his Sixth year, he was fed up of Hermione keep having a go at him all the time. Was it so wrong that he wanted some along time to himself his godfather and adopted father had just been murdered for putty sake and all Hermione kept on about was him talking about as she read that it helps to talk and that he shouldn't be going off on his own and stop acting so moody.

Didn't she know that everyone was different and handled grief differently, no of course she didn't she only saw things in black and white and only believed what books or Dumbledore told her. For the supposed brightest witch of get age she was certainly the most closed minded person he'd ever met.

He stood in front of the mirror holding tightly as he was overcome with a dizzy spell he knew he should be eating but he hadn't been able to stomach anything everything just tasted like cardboard to him. He knew Neville and Luna had noticed as well as Seamus and Dean if the concerned looks shot his way were anything to go by as he no longer went to the Great Hall for food in fact he hadn't eaten at all since last week when he ran into Draco, something that Hermione had a go at him about (the lack of food she didn't know about him running into Draco or he'd never hear the end of it).

He knew he looked worse off than he did last week a fact that was proven as he looked in the mirror: his skin was stretched tight over his bones that you could see clearly through the skin, his skin had also taken on a waxy grey colour in fact he looked like death warmed up and the slightest puff of air could blow him over. His body was also covered in scars and healing cuts from where he'd started self harming himself, he knew he needed help but he honestly thought that he didn't need it nor deserved it not that anyone would want to help him anyway he was a dirty little freak who deserved to die.

That was why when Crabbe and Goyle burst into Myrtle's bathroom shouting at him trying to get a reaction out of him he didn't respond just stood there unblinkingly at them which for some reason only seemed to make them more angry not that Harry really cared he felt that he deserved all the anger that was thrown at him. Which was why when they both shot the Sectumsempra curse at him Harry didn't even bat an eyelid when both pure white lights shot at him he didn't move out of their path. He didn't even make a sound of protest when white hot agony shot through him as he collapsed to the floor blood pouring out of the many lacerations to his body.

The last thing he saw before his eyes closed as he waited for death to take him was Crabbe and Goyle's smirking faces as exited the bathroom a "we've got you now Potter." Leaving their lips as his eyes closed for what he hoped was the last time.

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