Chapter Ten, A slow recovery

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Draco watched as Harry shy'd away from people still but he knew it was a long process and it would take time for Harry to fully recover but he was getting there slowly and he was so, so proud of him for how far he'd come.

"Draco...are...are you alright?" Harry's hesitantly voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Of course Ry. Let's head down to breakfast so you can take your potions. Are you alright?" Draco said wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders slowly abs pressing a kiss to his forehead, making Harry blush.

"I'm okay." Harry says smiling shyly at Draco. He was still kinda in shock that he was the mate of one, Draco Malfoy and that he actually felt for him they way he did. It all seemed like a dream to be honest. His relationship with Draco was progressing much better than what his relationship with Remus was. It was still rather rocky as he always thought in the back of his mind that Remus may leave or turn on him again. But lately that seemed to not be the case; as Remus was doing everything he could to earn Harry's trust and to prove to him that he would always be there for him.

Entering the Great Hall, Harry followed Draco to the Slytherin table and sat between Draco and Blaise Zabini who acted like he was Harry's big brother, always asking how he was or his his days been, making sure he always took his potions and just being there for him and it was nice to have someone like Blaise who actually cared for him and not someone who was jealous over petty things.

"Hi Blaise." Harry greeted smiling happily at his friend as he helped himself to some blueberry and banana porridge and a glass of orange juice.

"Hi Harry. Hi Draco." Blaise greeted when the two boys sat next to him. "How are you feeling today Harry?"

"Err okay I guess...just." Harry sighed frustrated.

"Just what Ry?" Draco asked his mate concerned, taking a blood pop out of his pocket.

"Just anxious and fed up really?" Harry sighed twirling his spoon in his porridge. "I'm fed up of being anxious all the time."

"I know Harry, I know." Draco soothed pulling him close so his head was buried in his neck.

"But it'll take time. And you know Andromeda said getting frustrated at yourself will only make you feel worse. But what you also need to remember is you've done so well, Harry. Never forget that. And never forget that I'm so proud of you." Draco assured pressing a kiss to Harry's temple lovingly.

"Thank you Dray." Harry muttered, hesitating for a moment before he pressed a short soft kiss to Draco's cheek. Shocking Draco and Blaise, but Draco couldn't be happier.

"You don't need to thank me Ry." Draco smiled kissing Harry's cheek. "Now eat your breakfast as you still need to take your potions." Draco said sternly pushing Harry's bowl closer to him. Knowing not to argue Harry grabbed his nutrient potion and downed it before drinking some of his orange juice. Once he'd finished his porridge he drunk the rest of his potions then his orange juice, and just in time too as the bell rang signalling the start of classes.

The day past rather fast for Harry, especially as he was now applying himself to all his lessons now that Andromeda had assured him that he would not get into trouble for doing better than his classmates or his cousin, it helped he was no longer living there and would be living at Malfoy Manor as they were neutral in the war now that it had became knowledge that Harry was the mate of Draco Malfoy. Which suited him as he wanted nothing to do with the war that was brewing. Why did he have to fight? When there was much more educated people who could deal with the war.

After dinner he made his way up to Professor McGonagall's office where he would be having his appointment with Andromeda tonight. Reaching the office he knocked on the door only entering when he heard Professor McGonagall's voice called through the door.

"Come in Mr Potter." Harry sighed gathering his courage before he opened the door. Upon entering the office he saw Professor McGonagall sat at her desk and Andromeda sat at one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"Hello Harry," Andromeda smiled gently as Harry walked into the office hesitantly.

"Hello Andromeda. Professor McGonagall." Harry greeted.

"Good evening, Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall greeted smiling at the shy boy. She really regretted not noticing the signs that were so obvious now. She felt like she failed him. Failed his parents, Sirius. But she would do anything to make it up to him, and she means anything. She was so relived that Severus found him after he was attacked, but she was so disgusted that a student would attack another student with the intent to kill. If she had anything to say about it Those, those cretins would never step foot within this castle again.

"I'll leave you to it Andromeda, Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall said as she rose from her seat. "Oh, and Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall said placing her hand on Harry's shoulder before she past him. "I'm so proud of how far you've come. And if you ever need someone to talk to my door is always open for you."

"Thank you Professor." Harry said quietly feeling very touched that his Professor cared so much. Professor McGonagall smiled gently and patted his shoulder and left. Feeling touched and Harry sat next to Andromeda with a smile on his face as they started their session.

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