Chapter Six, Return of the Wolf

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Draco!" Severus snapped trying to pull Draco back from his primal state. "It's just Lupin. I contacted him remember he is the only family member your mate has left. He has every right to be in here as do you more so in fact as Harry is still a minor." He said sternly he was getting sick of the dominance show already. Draco grumbled trying to rein in his vampire but it was difficult with how upset and hurt he knew Harry was. "Fine let him in." Draco grumbled throwing himself down into his recently vacated seat.

Shaking his head at his godson's stubbornness and petulant behaviour Severus went to the door where a aggravated Remus Lupin stood pacing up and down the corridor when he wasn't trying to get into the room. "Lupin." Severus called immediately gathering the werewolfs attention as he span around the wolf close to the surface as Remus's once blue eyes were now a bright amber. "What's happened? What's happened to my godson?" Remus asked frantically trying to see past Severus and into the room eliciting a growl from Draco.

"Who's in there? Why is there a vampire in with my cub Severus?!" Remus growled. Sighing Severus pinched the bridge of his nose he knew this was going to be a long night. "Will you calm down already!" Severus snapped stopping Remus from pushing past him but he did let out a warning growl. Undeterred Severus continued, "Draco is the one in there with Harry he is Potter's dominant mate and was the one to find him and bring me to him." Sighing Remus tried to reign in his wolf with great difficulty as Moony was furious at him for ignoring their cub, he kept telling him it was his fault Harry was so close to death.

Finally managing to gain somewhat control Remus sat in the other remaining chair in the room he'd promised Minerva that he could control himself which is why she left to give him sometime alone with his Godson, that and she said she needed to deal with somethings at Hogwarts. "What happened to him?" He asked heavily, feeling like his breathing was being constricted as he looked at the young man who was like a son to him, not that he'd acted like it since Sirius past. Sirius, James and Lily would be furious and rolling in their graves for how he treated their son. Sirius no doubt would curse him to an inch of his life.

"We don't know the full details." Severus said hesitantly after a moment of pause as he gathered his thoughts. "Much like you, I and every faculty member have neglected Harry failed to see he was suffering and needed help. We've all noticed his rapid decrease in appetite, his lack of interests to spend with his friends, always wanting to be alone and giving up Quidditch though he was made Captain. We've also noticed him being harassed by his peers over the Dark Lord still being alive and we've done nothing.

The only thing that has kept him alive is his magic which is seriously depleted add to that the self harming he's inflicted upon himself and the attack tonight, I'm afraid we can assume that Harry is in a deep depression and wishes to die, which is probably why he did not defend himself later this evening." Severus explained carefully trying to not set off the two volatile creatures in the room. "I regret to say he was attacked by two from my own house who will be dealt with severely. They attacked unmercifully and in cowardice attacking him with two Sectumsempra spells and then leaving him to die as they gloated in the common room to Mr Malfoy, who'd previously warned them to leave him alone as Harry is his submissive. Thankfully Draco and I found him just in time, I healed him to the best of my abilities and brought him here." Severus finished his tale of the nights events slumping exhausted into the other chair in the room, the magical energy he'd used finally catching up with him.

They sat in silence watching the small young man in the bed who was being helped to breathe by tubes, his skin a sickly grey colour against the stark white hospital sheets, his raven hair dull against his head, his face gaunt skin stretched tight over his bones and his eyes sunken. Remus couldn't help but be angry at himself he should have been there for his cub (who looked worse than Sirius did after he escaped Azkaban) helping him instead of blaming him it wasn't his fault Sirius died thru both went there to save their cub knowing full well they all might not return but the risk was worth it to save their cub and what did he do? He ignored his cub blaming him for something out of his control making him feel worthless to resort to this harming himself and making him wish that he was dead and that no one would miss him which couldn't be far from the truth.

"This is all my fault." Remus said heartbrokenly his wolf howling with agreement making him feel ten times worse. "And how did you figure that one out Lupin." Severus sneered masking how he felt as he too felt it was somewhat his fault for treating him the way he had and not seeing the boy who he really was; a boy who needed help and someone to lone and care for him not hate him. "It's both your faults." Draco growled as he clutched Harry's hand not looking up from Harry's pale face, though he too felt a semblance of guilt as he could and should have helped his mate sooner his vampire was furious with the two adults in the room but more furious with himself.

"You are not entirely blameless either Draco." Severus snapped fed up of the accusing glares his godson kept sending him. "Don't you think I know that." Draco snapped right back a growl rubbling deep in his chest. "If I'd given Harry a sign that I didn't hate him and tried to get to know him and befriend him before I tell him I returned his feelings he wouldn't be here to begin with. He could have come to me. I could have helped him. I should have helped him, instead he thought I hated him like everyone else." Before anyone could say anything else Healer Jones the head healer involved in healing Harry came back into the room to check on Harry.

He only paused to nod at the three in the room before he pulled out his wand doing a number of various spells to check on Harry's progress. After a good twenty minutes he finally stepped back from the bed looking over the parchment that his wand had expelled letting out a relieved sigh as he read over the contents. "What is it?" Remus asked worriedly misinterpreting the Healer's sigh of relief. "Calm yourself Mr-" Healer Jones calmed.

"Lupin. Remus Lupin Harry's godfather." Remus answered the unasked question.

"Mr Lupin, there is good news and bad news." Healer Jones started only to be interrupted by Draco. "What's the bad news?" He asked worriedly Healer Jones smiled reassuringly at the young vampire teen. "The bad news is that he is still he is still extremely sick and will be for some time even after he leaves this hospital, his blood count is still on the low side and will need another potion in an hour and he has yet to make any signs of improvement or deteriorate which is both a blessing a curse.

The good news though is that his magic is starting to regenerate which is why I let out a sigh of relief, as it is extremely dangerous for someone in Mr Potter's condition to be under a magical induced coma especially with his almost depleted magic, but now that it is regenerating there is a bigger chance that he'll wake up."

"When? When will my cub wake?" Remus asked anxiously barely reframing from pulling his hair. Healer Jones sent the man a look of sympathy a small sigh escaping his lips. "That I do not know unfortunately but he won't be waking any time soon as I said he's still extremely sick so we are keeping him under until there is some sign of improvement I wish I could give you gentlemen some better news." Healer Jones sighed as he placed is findings in the folder at the bottom of the bed.

"A nurse will be along shortly to give Mr Potter some more blood replenishers he'll be constantly checked throughout the night and you're welcome to stay the night Mr Lupin but only you'll be able to stay the night I'm sorry but Professor Snape you and Mr Malfoy will have to return to Hogwarts until the morning after ten o clock if you wish to return."

"That's fine thank you. I need to inform his Head of House on his wellbeing as it is." Severus said quickly before Draco could argue. "Come along Draco you can see Harry after school tomorrow and that's final. Lupin I'll start making the potion for you, I know the full moon is not for a while but I have a feeling that Harry will be in here for awhile."

"Thank you Severus." Remus said gratefully as he saw everyone out of the room Healer Jones locking it behind him. "Oh cub I'm so sorry. I don't blame you I never really did I don't cope well with grief it's not an excuse, for what I did to you was unacceptable I'm so sorry I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me." Remus sighed as he sat in his recently vacated chair beside Harry's bed holding Harry's hand firmly but gently as he settled in for a long restless night ahead.

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