Chapter Eight, Alone

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Harry looked around the bright white room he was in. From the bright white walls, to the white doors, to the white tiled floor and to the white bedspread he was covered with, the only colour being the blue blanket placed over him. Realising by design of the room he wasn't at Hogwarts Hospital Wing he was at St Mungoes. Alone and alive. Why was he alive? He was ready to die when Crabbe and Goyle cast that spell. He was ready to joint his parents, to join Sirius. So why couldn't everyone let that happen?

Why did they have to take away his shot of happiness? Why couldn't they just let him die and be with his loved ones? Instead of this meaningless existence he was leaving. That is all he wanted, was it too much to ask? Apparently so. They didn't care enough to let him be at peace but also they didn't care he was awake either apparently. All he wants is Sirius and his parents.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts when none other than Professor Severus Snape entered his hospital room. The healers has been on their way to Harry when the alarms had gone off earlier than expected but Severus had intercepted them stated it would be better if he had a somewhat familiar face when he awoke considering all he had been through, and he hated himself for not spotting it earlier. For letting his hate at the Marauders blind him to what was in front of him; a scared, abused and lonely boy who wanted nothing more than someone to love him.

He remembered when that was him at Harry's age and had sword when he was forced to become a Professor that he would any abused child that graced the halls of Hogwarts, no matter the house. But he had failed. He had failed in the most terrible way. Not only had he broken his vow he made himself but also the one he made to Lily, that he would look after her child. And now the poor boy was severely depressed that he was suicidal, if he let this continue, let Harry Potter die. Draco would be so consumed by grief at the loss of his mate that he would go on a rampage so fierce nothing and no one he came into contact with would be left standing.

"P-Professor S-Snape." Harry stuttered hoarsely his eyes as wide as saucers as he saw his dower Potion Professor winter his hospital room.

"Try not to speak Potter." Professor Snape said coming further into the room. His voice lacking any hostility it once had to the young man before him, shocking the Potter boy more. "And drink these it'll help with the malnutrition, blood loss and the pain." He said handing one potion after another to Harry after he had downed them rather reluctantly.

"You've had quite a few people worried about you, you know." Professor Snape said searing himself in Draco's vacated chair.

"Like who? All I had was...S-S-Sirius...and... and he's gone." Harry chicken out tears falling from his dull lifeless emerald eyes that no longer shined with the fire that the Potion Master was used to seeing in the Potter Heir.

"Like Draco. And Lupin. You may not know this but Draco is a dominate vampire and you are his submissive mate, he almost killed Crabbe and Goyle when he found out they attacked you. It was only the thought of you dying that held him back. He and Lupin have been in here for three days not leaving this room until I forced them to leave an hour ago so Draco could get some sleep and so Remus wouldn't turn inside a hospital." Professor Snape explained confusing the sickly boy.

"Draco likes me back? I'm his mate? And Remus doesn't hate me?" Harry asked confused and not wanting to believe what was being explained to him.

"Yes Harry." Professor Snape explained gently, surprising himself and Harry. "Now Draco has liked you for awhile now but he acted the way he has so he didn't act on his feelings only for you to turn out not to be his mate hurting you both in the end.

As for Lupin, he hates himself for what he's done and rightly so. It is rather confusing his reasoning and I'll let him explain, but he said he never hated you. Also, it wasn't your fault Black died. I hate to say this, but nothing would have kept that man from you. Even I could see how much Black loved you even enough that he wouldn't listen to his mate to stay behind when he found out you were in danger, he willingly went knowing he could die as all that was on his mind was saving you, his son. Draco and I have both had some choice words with Remus with how he has been in regards towards you and I have no doubt that his wolf will give him hell tonight."

"Your confused." Professor Snape stated seeing the look on the young boy's face. Harry modded not knowing how to explain how he was feeling to his Professor, especially Snape. It was all so confusing. He didn't understand how anyone could love a worthless freak like him.

Professor Snape suddenly came to the realisation that it was more to do with Harry's upbringing on why he was confused and not able to accept that he was loved and cared for by Draco and Lupin, and why he had accepted Remus hating him so easily. And now brought with the truth it was hard to digest. He made plans in his mind to get a Mind Healer to speak to Harry. The young man needed serious help, more than what he or anyone at Hogwarts were qualified to give him.

"Here, drink this." He said handing over a dreamless sleep potion. "You are still extremely ill and will need lots of rest. I will explain more tomorrow and most likely Draco and Lupin will be here also." Professor Snape stated.

He waited until Harry was asleep before leaving the room intending on finding the Mind Healer now and setting up the necessary help for Harry Potter will need all the help he can get and then some.

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