Chapter Twelve, Epilogue

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Years has gone and Harry was happily married to his mate Draco Malfoy and they couldn't be happier. They had stayed out of the war completely even when Dumbledore tried to claim he had to fight and sacrifice himself as he had apart of Voldemort's soul in his scar. But unfortunately for Dumbledore, it had been removed by the Goblins over Christmas break of his sixth year. So Dumbledore's plans had backfired so he had to go after Voldemort himself, which had ended in Voldemort and Dumbledore both dying at the hands of each other. So now, Kingsley Shacklebolt was the Minister of Magic and had been correcting all the wrong doings that both Voldemort and Dumbledore had done.

Now Harry and Draco were expecting their last child, a little girl. Their oldest son, Sirius James Malfoy four years old and their second son Caesar Draconis Malfoy who was two years old. They had decided on a name for their daughter Luna Callisto Malfoy who should be born any day now. Draco had also started up his own Potion business that was doing extremely well and bringing them in Galleons by the bucket load every day. They weren't sure whether Sirius or Caesar would get the vampire gene from Draco, as they wouldn't come into the gene, if they had it, when they turned sixteen."

"Are you okay?" Draco asked when he stepped into the bedroom seeing Harry sat up in bed reading a book.

"Yeah just a little uncomfortable. The boys are fast asleep. Completely worn out from playing in the garden all day. How was your day at work?" Harry asked groaning in discomfort as he tried to get more comfortable.

"It was good, sold a lot of potions today and stocked up what I needed too. But what I wanted most was to come home to you and kids." Draco said handing his robe on the wardrobe and coming up to the bed and kissing his husband passionately and then kissed his stomach when he pulled back.

"I love you Harry." Draco said pressing another kiss to his lips.

"And I love you too Draco. Have you kissed the boys goodnight?" Harry asked.

"Of course. I kissed them both before I came here." Draco assures. "Now let's get you to bed Ry. You need your rest." He said kissing Harry one more before placing the book on the bedside table and helping Harry get more comfortable.

In the early hours of the morning Harry was awoken by a surging pain in his stomach, startling Draco awake as he screamed in pain.

"It's okay Ry. Just breathe like you practiced." Draco soothed as he quickly sent a Patronus to his parents and Remus telling them to get to Potter Manor asap as Harry was in labour. And not ten minutes later his parents and Remus arrived but it seemed only Narcissa and Remus had their heads screwed on straight.

"Draco. Take your father and your sons who are standing in the doorway, downstairs they are not going to be any help to Harry with them panicking and stay with them. Either Remus or I will fetch you." Narcissa ordered her son not taking her eyes off of Harry as she and Remus helped him change and get everything ready for the birth. Draco spared one last worry filled glance at his husband before doing what he was told. Picking up his sons assuring him that their Mama will be okay that he's just bringing their sister into the world, as they went downstairs followed by his father.

Several hours later. Just when Draco and Lucius had settled Sirius and Caesar down from their worry and fear for their mother when they heard the cry of a cry of a newborn baby. Draco felt a good sense of relief over his daughter but he was worried over his husband. When his parents had been told about his daughter they had been shocked as it was the first girl to appear in the Malfoy Line case in over three hundred years.

A pop sounded in the room as Dobby appeared a wide smile on his face. "Master Harry is fine and so is the baby. Master Remus and Mistress Narcissa says you can up now." The words were barely out of the poor Elf's mouth before Sirius and Caesar ran upstairs as fast as their little legs could carry them. Draco and Lucius right behind them.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Sirius and Caesar shouted as they ran into the bedroom seeing Harry sat up in bed holding a little pink bundle smiling at his two young sons, and Narcissa and Remus sat in two of the four armchairs in the room also with wide beaming smiles on their faces.

"Hello my little loves." Harry smiled at his sons. "Would you like to come meet your baby sister?"

"Are you okay Mama." Sirius asked looking at his mother fearfully.

"Of course sweetie. Come." Harry smiled. At that the two young boys rushed towards the bed climbing up on either side of him looking at the little girl in wonder as Draco sat besides them in the edge of the bed smiling at his family.

"Are you sure love?" Draco asked concerned squeezing Harry's leg gently.

"Yes Dray. I promise. Now, works you like to keep questioning me or meet our new member of the family?" Harry asked raising his eyebrow at his husband, and father-in-law who had opened his mouth no doubt to question him as well. But he immediately snapped their mouths closed gesturing to the baby while Narcissa and Remus tried to stifle their laughter behind their hands as the two young boys looked at their sister with wonder.

"Mama what her name?" Caesar asked cutely.

"This my little loves is your sister Luna Callisto Malfoy your little sister." Harry said leaning forwards to show them their sister who like Caesar had Draco's blonde hair and Harry's green eyes. Whereas Sirius looked like Harry with his black curly hair but with Draco's grey eyes, but that seemed to make him look like his namesake a hell of a lot. Caesar looked exactly like Draco with his blonde hair but with Harry's eyes. But it seemed Luna would be the perfect mix of both Harry and Draco even if she had the same hair and eye colouring as Caesar.

"That means Sirius, Caesar you have to always protect Luna as she is your baby sister. And you have to help me keep the boys away from your Mama and your sister." Draco told his sons firmly only to moan in pain when Harry slapped his head.

"Ignore your father my loves." Harry told them placing a kiss on his sons foreheads when they crept closer to get a closer look at their sister. "But you must promise to always love and look after your sister." Harry said firmly. "Like you look after each other."

"We promise Mama." Sirius and Caesar promised as they pressed a kiss to their sister's forehead.

"Luna's perfect my love." Draco said kissing his husband happily and then his children gently taking his daughter into his arms. "I love you Harry. And I love you too boys."

"I love you too Dada."

Sirius and Caesar said snuggling into their mother's arms now he was no longer holding their sister.

"I love you too Draco." Harry sighed happily snuggling into his husbands hold as they cuddled as a family with their newborn daughter and their sons and all was well.

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