Chapter Three, Searching, but is it too late?

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Crabbe and Goyle couldn't stop laughing since they left Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. They just knew that they would be back in Draco's good books now. Finally composing themselves as much as they could for them anyway, they entered the Slytherin Common room with smug grins on their faces which made the other Slytherins suspicious and some what nervous, not of them but of what they'd done and whether it would have bad repercussions on them and their house.

Crabbe and Goyle stood stupidly at the entrance of the Common room looking wildly around the room trying to spot Draco among the Fifth to Seventh Years who were the only ones in the Common room at this time. Finally they spotted Draco sitting in a black leather winged backed chair in front of the fire reading his Ancient Runes book. They made their way over to him still with the goofy smug look on their face as they took a seat opposite him on the black leather sofa.

"Where have you two been?" Draco drawled in a bored voice like he didn't care where they'd been still with his head in his book. When he got no answer he looked up with a scowl on his face which quickly turned to suspicion mixed with dread as he feared what they'd done and hoped it didn't contain Harry as they'd been obsessed with 'teaching Potter a lesson' ever since Harry had bumped into him the other night. Schooling his face into a cool mask, Draco was thankful that they were so dumb they wouldn't have even noticed the dread that passed over his face, he asked them again where they'd been. "I asked you where you've been? You better answer me this time otherwise you will regret it." Draco sneered at them.

Smirking proudly at themselves they proudly proclaimed everything that they had done. "We did a number on Potter good and by the time someone finds him it will be too late." said Goyle high fiveing Crabbe. The two thugs were too busy praising each other on what they had done that they didn't notice Draco's face twisting into rage; that is until it was too late. "What was that for?" Goyle shouted as he rubbed his now sore and most likely broken jaw from where Draco had just punched him and Crabbe.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR? WHAT WAS THAT FOR? YOU ATTACKED HARRY! MY MATE WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE! WHAT DID YOU DO? TELL ME!" Draco roared at them he could feel his fangs starting to elongate and he knew that he was attracting attention to himself but he didn't care. Crabbe and Goyle exchanged worried looks they had never seen Draco like this before and nor did they know or realise that the Potter brat was Draco's submissive mate and they were at least smart enough to know what a vampire, especially a dominant vampire as possessive and overprotective as Draco would do if their mate or children were attacked. It was a pity they hadn't remembered this before.

Draco growled at them again this time with his fangs fully formed and his eyes looking like shards of glass as it appeared they weren't going to answer. "We... we b-both c-cast S-Sectumsempra on him." Goyle stuttered being the smartest or the stupidest out of the two depending on how you look at it.

"I'll deal with the pair of you later!" Draco growled through clenched teeth; he was just barely refraining from attacking and draining them dry for even daring to attack his mate. He knew he wouldn't rest until these two threats were permanently dealt with, but right now Harry was more important. Using his vampire speed Draco raced out of the Slytherin Common Room only to crash into his Head of House and Godfather Professor Severus Snape in the corridor just outside of the Common Room.

"Just where do you think your going at this hour, Draco?" Professor Snape drawled in his normal baritone voice. Draco didn't answer he just growled and tried to push past his godfather only to find that his feet were stuck to the floor. "Let me go!" Draco growled, "you don't understand what's going on I need to get to Harry."

"As much as I hate Mister Potter I cannot let you drain him dry Draco, over a silly school argument." Professor Snape stopped what he was saying when Draco let out his most ferocious growl yet. "Your one to talk you hate Harry because of what his father did to you, you go on about it enough. And why would I drain my mate, it had nothing to do with school grudges the stupid imbeciles Crabbe and Goyle attacked my mate when I told them not to. They both attacked Harry in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom using Sectumsempra." Draco growled, shocking Professor Snape who was standing there all dignity forgotten as he stood with his mouth wide open like a goldfish; which Draco would have found hilarious if his mate wasn't in grave danger. "Now if you're not going to help me then take this bloody charm off of me so I can get to Harry before it's too late."

Professor Snape shook his head to clear the shock from his system, he couldn't believe that Potter is Draco's mate though he suppose it was rather obvious with the way the two boys fought all the time but right now that wasn't what mattered. What mattered was he needed to get to Potter quickly before he died as it was quite easy to die from one Sectumsempra but to receive two he didn't want to think what state the boy may be in add to that Draco was close to going on a rampage with how injured his mate is, Severus just hoped that he could heal the boy before it was too late otherwise he didn't like to think of what Draco might do.

"Draco I'm going to remove the charm but I do not want you to attack anyone okay? Otherwise it will just waste more time and the more time is wasted the more likely it is that Potter will be dead before we get to him. Do you understand?" Severus asked when he received a growled yes he took off the charm and could barely move out of the way in time as Draco sped past him.

Sighing Severus summoned his Potions bag and took off after his godson he just prayed that Potter could hold on a little longer, but judging by the state of him in Potions this afternoon Severus wasn't very hopeful. He cursed himself and all of the faculty that hadn't done something earlier to help the boy he only hoped that help hadn't come too late.

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