Chapter Eleven, Bonds mending

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It was the last weekend before Christmas but it wasn't even a normal weekend, it was a Hogsmede weekend. Harry was feeling rather excited and rather nervous as he would be meeting Remus in The Three Broomsticks as has become a regular thing every time there was a Hogsmede weekend, as Remus was trying to mend the bond between them. But not only that; in the afternoon he was having his first ever date with Draco which was also the cause of his fluctuating emotions.

Harry was currently in his private rooms that Professor McGonagall had gifted to him after the attack with Luna and Neville, who were the only ones who stuck by him when everyone found out that he was Draco Malfoy's submissive mate.

"Are you okay Harry?" Neville asked smiling softly when he saw Harry's knee bouncing.

"Yeah. Are you sure this okay?" Harry asked nervously.

"You look great Harry, and you have no nargles flying around your head. So your good." Luna assured smiling happily at him. Harry smiled back at Luna before looking down at his outfit that consisted of black jeans, green t-shirt, white trainers, grey jumper and Sirius' black coat.

"Thanks Luna, Nev." Harry smiled at them. He was so thankful for the pair of them.

"I guess we better get going if you want to make it to Remus for eleven." Neville said looking down at his watch that had once belonged to his father, he was just glad he had this instead of his father's wand and had his own wand.

"Let's go then!" Luna exclaimed bouncing out of the armchair. "We'll meet you at twelve and go do some shopping before you have your lunch date with Draco. Now let's go." Luna said grabbing both boys arms looping them with her's after they bundled themselves up for the cold snowy weather. Once they were ready Luna looped her arms through theirs again almost pulling them out of the room as she skipped between them. Harry laughing which made Neville and Luna smile. The three friends talking and laughing all the way down to Hogsmede and to The Three Broomsticks. It was the first time in what felt like forever that they had seen a real smile and a real laugh come from Harry and they loved that he was getting better slowly but surely and they couldn't thank Draco enough for helping Harry.

Upon entering The Three Broomsticks Harry spotted Remus sitting in a booth close to the back, with two butterbeers sat on the table.

"Harry." Remus smiled standing from the table when he spotted Harry walking closer towards the table.

"Hi Remus." Harry said hugging him which surprised Remus but he happily returned the hug pulling Harry close.

"Happy Christmas Harry." Remus muttered into Harry's curly hair.

"Happy Christmas Remus." Harry muttered. The hug lasted for a few minutes before they separated before they sat opposite each other sipping on their butterbeer.

"Here I want you to have this Harry." Remus sage pulling out a medium size parcel sliding it across the table. Harry opened it and was shocked as tears fill his eyes. There was two photo frames. One was when he was a baby being held by Sirius throwing him up in the air and catching him, Remus was sat besides them shaking his head but there was a smile on his face as he tried to stifle his laughter. The second; was the Christmas last year of him and Sirius sat together in Grimmauld Place laughing and joking with Sirius' arm around his shoulders.

Wiping away his tears Harry slipped the frames into bag and got up from his seat and hugged Remus tight who also had tears running down his face.

"Thank you Remus. Thank you." Harry muttered.

"You're welcome Harry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you after Sirius died and I'll never be able to make up for it. But? I will try my hardest to make it up to you. And I will always be there for you from now on, I promise." Remus swore kissing Harry's head.

"I forgive you Remus." Harry said as he pulled back from the hug smiling softly at the man before him who he had started to see as an uncle before Sirius died, but that had died too when Sirius died, when Remus ignored him. But he was hoping it would go back to that, as it was starting to. "Here. I got you something too. I guess we thought on the same lines." Harry said pulling out his present for Remus.

"You didn't have to get me anything Harry, but thank you." Remus smiled as the young man retook his seat across from him, Remus opened his present which was revealed to be a photo of the three of them last year with crazy Christmas hats on laughing and joking before Sirius fell out of his chair landing on the floor, causing more laughter.

"Thank you Harry I love it." Remus smiled wiping away his own tears and pulling Harry into a hug once more. For the remainder of the time they had left together they spoke of easy topics that they could laugh and joke with each other much like they used to do. It was almost like they hadn't been apart. Until Neville and Luna entered the pub signalling their time together had come to an end, which they were both saddened by. So Remus promised Harry that he would speak to Narcissa and Lucius and see about if he could come over during Christmas. With one last hug and promises of seeing each other soon they parted ways as Harry jade his way out on to the streets with Neville and Luna visiting the various shops, doing some last minute Christmas shopping or just stocking up on things they needed for school or things they just wanted like joke products and sweets from Honeydukes.

Soon Harry was heading back to The Three Broomsticks to meet Draco for their lunch date. As he entered the pub he spotted Draco sitting at the table he had sat at with Remus not too long ago with Butterbeers on the table along with two bowls of chicken pasta.

"Hi Harry. You look amazing." Draco greeted kissing Harry's temple causing a bright red blush to spread across Harry's cheeks.

"Thank you Draco. So do you." Harry complimented as he kissed Draco's cheek.

"Thank you. Come I ordered for you, hope that's alright?" Draco asked leading Harry to their table, waiting for Harry to sit down after taking his coat, hat, scarf and gloves off. Draco doing the same before he sat down, their coats lying between them on the bench as they tucked into their hot chicken pasta.

"It's perfect Draco, thank you." Harry said gratefully as he took a sip of his drink getting a Butterbeer moustache which made them laugh. As far as first dates go, considering he had never been on a date before, this date was amazing and he loved every second of it.

If this was a glimpse of what his life would be like with Draco; then he couldn't wait.

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