Chapter Four, Finding Harry

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Draco froze at the sight of his mate lying motionless on the floor lying in a rather large puddle of his own blood. He didn't even care when Professor Snape bumped into him all he cares about was his submissive mate. With a growl that was filled with just as much anger as it was sorrow he flew over to Harry before an eye could even recognise his movement. Kneeling down next to Harry, Draco placed his head carefully into his lap his eyes looking like large shards of glass as he turned to his godfather who stood frozen in the door way, pain, regret, sorrow and also anger was flickering across his face. "Do something!" Draco growled. "Don't just bloody stand there! Save him! Save him!" Draco roared which successfully brought his godfather out of the shock he'd slipped into.

Racing over with his wand out Professor Snape waved it all over the prone body of his once best friends son, the counter curse to this horrible curse he regretted making more now than ever tumbling out of his lips like a stream that would never end. "Vulnar Sanentur! Vulnar Sanentur! Vulnar Sanentur! Vulnar Sanentur!" Severus sat back slightly placing his wand on the ground after over half an hour muttering the counter curse. He looked over at his godson quickly to see that he was close to losing control on his vampire before taking a look down at the too still boy. He couldn't believe that no one had noticed how bad Potter had got since returning to school and they all called themselves teachers. What a joke that was when a pupil under their very nose was dying in front of them and they did not have the eye to see it.

He regretted it now. He regretted everything he'd ever done and said to the boy now. He may have kid himself into believing that the boy was like his father when in reality he was like his mother, but his realisations may have been for nothing now as he really looked at the boy as he poured blood replenisher after blood replenisher down his throat. He looked so much worse than Black did in the Shrieking Shack did all those years ago and he'd looked like a wraith. But young Harry looked like death warmed over. He had no idea what had been keeping the boy alive but if he had to guess he'd say it was his magic and he was grateful it was for he didn't want to think what Draco would be like if he died, and yet he still could. He was dangerously thin and had lost a dangerous amount of blood that no matter how much blood replenishers he gave him it would still take awhile for him to heal. Not to mention his magic was dangerously depleted from having to keep him alive and using it in classes.

He had to get him to the Hospital Wing so he could take him straight to St Mungoes through the floo in Poppy's office any other magical travel would likely kill him. "Why have you stopped?" Draco growled at him showing his fangs. Pinching the bridge of his nose Professor Snape let out an annoyed breath. 'Why can't Draco just trust me with Potter for just once' Severus thought. "He has slipped into a coma. I need to get him to St Mungoes now as neither I or Madam Pomfrey have the skills to heal him from all that he's done to himself on top of what those buffoons have done. His magic is dangerously depleted from using it in class as well as trying to keep him alive these past few months. If I don't get him there soon Draco he will die, no matter how many blood replenishers I give him he is still extremely sick." Professor Snape said grimly as he picked up the too light boy. How could they have missed this?

Draco sat dumbly for a few seconds just looking at his too pale and still mate in his godfather's arms and nodded his head in agreement. "I'm coming with you though." He said firmly just daring his godfather to object. Nodding his head tersely Professor Snape sent his Patronus to Minerva and Poppy to let them know what had happened to Harry and that he needed urgent care and for one of them to let Lupin know.

Without looking behind him to see if Draco was following he took off at a fast pace to the Hospital Wing, holding Harry tighter to himself so he didn't jostle him too much. Once he reached the Hospital Wing Draco opened the doors as they ran in only to be met by Madam Pomfrey. "Oh Severus, how could we have missed this. I thought there was something wrong when he stopped playing on the Quidditch team and he was made Captain. I thought he was just grieving for Sirius, he loved that man like a father." Madam Pomfrey moaned as she led them to her office.

"I think that is where it stemmed from but I'm not sure what could have caused such a severe reaction as this." Professor Snape mussed. "Has Minerva let Lupin know?"

"She sent me a message just before you came in. She'll be arriving at the hospital with Remus once she's told him. All she said is that Harry is grievously injured and needs urgent care. You best be going Severus I don't like the sound of his breathing." Madam Pomfrey said fretfully as Harry's breathing had started to labour even though he was in a coma.

"Draco I need you to go to St Mungoes first to get some healers ready for when I arrive. Draco you must understand that once the healers take Harry he'll be put into ICU and you won't be able to go in for a while, but we'll make sure he's in his own closed ward so only those we say can enter." Professor Snape assured his godson as he went to protest. Instead of answering Draco took some Floo powder that Madam Pomfrey offered him before entering the fireplace shouting out his destination. Professor Snape sent a silent pray to whatever deity that was listening up there that Harry would make it before stepping into the fireplace himself calling out St Mungoes, just as he was surrounded by the green flames he made sure to tighten his hold on the boy in his arms so he wouldn't lose him in the fireplace or drop him once they reached the hospital.

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