Primordial Eros/Amor and The Erotes/Cupides= Realm of Romance and Sexuality

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(A/N: This was fun to make. I have already done Eros/Cupid, so i will take this chance to do the primordial Eros/Amor. In honor of the fact that this chapter 69)

•Eros= Primordial God of Love and Romance, Sexual Desire, Intercourse/Procreation, Fertility.
—Partner Perfection: Their physiology adjusts and alters itself to compliment their partner(s) and vice-versa, enhancing the experience for them and anyone they mate with.
—Geneanologist: Able to see the family tree, history, DNA, and genetic makeup of any bio-creature they touch, including themselves.
—Tantric Bloodline: From now one After the user, their future bloodline will have access to all their powers and abilities along the experience of those before them, instead of the having all the same abilities on a weaker level like normal.
—Breed Booster: Able to put any nonhuman creature in heat without a hitch. If used on humans, it will be more draining
—Procreation Prime: Their bloodline from here on out will alter itself as procreation goes on, taking the best genetics from outside sources, enhances them, and adding them to the Bloodline Of Desire.
—Fertility Finder: Is in tune with the fertility cycle of everyone around them.
—Procreational Picker: They can design and customize their offspring appearance and gender in the womb, within moral reasoning. (No transracial shit)
—Tantric Therian: Can shape-shift into as well as use the power, traits, and abilities of any creature in the realm of love, lust, and desire.

•Hedylogos/Hedylogus= Sweet-Talk and Flattery
—Soul Psychometry: Able to read a person soul, giving them whatever words would let them manipulate others to a certain degree,  lift them up the most, or bring them down the worst and crush them.
—Charm Call: Able to Overload other creatures with dopamine and serotonin or depression chemicals with their words and their voice. If the target is unable to feel touch there or has no emotions, this will instead temporarily create emotions and a sense of touch in said targets, but it will consume more strength.
—Compliment Charge: Giving and receiving compliments makes them stronger and more powerful.
—Beast Tamer: Can tame any creature that's under emotional distress, form an empathic connection with them, and "bond" with them, making both the user and the creature(s) stronger and more powerful. Can form as many connections as wanted, but the user will feel the creature's death if the creature dies and vice-versa.

•Hermaphoditus/Atlantiades= Hermaphrodites, Effeminacy, Masculinity, Gender, and Androgyny
—Sex-Shifter: Able to change their gender and alter their physiology and anatomy on command.
—Monarch Of Masculinity: Able to manipulate and imbue themselves the various attributes, conceptual traits, and sometimes behaviors associated with masculinity, allowing them to gain n arsenal of abilities based on things such as:
•The Sun
+ And any other things associated with masculinity. Can only use these powers when they're male.
—Gender Gouge: Can curse others with gender dysphoria
—Fighter Of Femininity: Can imbue themselves and m manipulate the various attributes, conceptual traits, and sometimes behaviors associated with femininity, allowing them to gain n arsenal of abilities based on things such as:
•The Moon
+ and various other things associated with femininity. Can only use these abilities while female.
—Tri-Gender: Can split into three "people" on command, exact same organism of opposite genders, male, female, and non-binary. They're the exact same peoples down the their very molecules, just of different genders. All their nervous systems are connected, meaning they share pain, pleasure, and taste. The more this is used, the easier it will be for the user to pilot three people. Each triplet has a separate default personality to prevent the users kind from being overloaded, meaning they can pilot just one triplet without worrying about the other two, however they still share information mentally. While split, both male and female counterparts will have their respective man and woman based abilities, but the non-binary counter part won't. They can also shift the sex of any of their triplets but that also shifts the abilities they can use. If one or two or kill, as long as one is alive, they can be regenerated from the last.

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