Prologue One; Always expect trouble

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*Running in demonias is really bad*

Eret was at a loss. In all honesty were their actions and choices really worth it all. They contemplated that as they sat on her throne alone in the empty castle hall, it was sad really. Despite being king and trying to be a good friend to the members of the SMP no one ever visited unless they seemed to want kill or steal from them. What a pitiful existence for a king.
Eret was known by many things to the SMP: a king to most, a traitor to her old friends, an Eldridge monster to all who know her ancestry and a pawn to Dream. That last one was a recent assessment that came after the chaos that was the final confrontation with Dream. She was but the king in Dream's game of chess a fancy title but basically a useless piece. And what did that dumb title cost, their friends first canon Iives and any trust they had in her. All of that in the pursuit of success and peace, arguably in that order. Truly Eret believed their actions would help but that was a cold lie fed to her by Dream and they believed it. They really had believed.

Oh, Eret hadn't quite realised that tears were falling from her eyes. Those golden tears seemed to run down their face mockingly. That was a cruel injustice tears of gold and victory yet Eret never felt like anything more than a side character who's story was insignificant compared to everyone else in the SMP. A mere side character.

"Why am I crying?" It came out as a hoarse whisper. It was a rhetoric question as Eret knew the answer already.

But before any further thoughts could manifest with Eret a shrill alarm cut through them. Echoing and bouncing in the room and down the winding halls of the pride palace caused Eret to stand so fast their head span a little. The worst thing that could happen hand come to fruition, Dream was escaping. After Dreams unwilling sentence to prison by the hands of enemies and friends alike Eret spoke with Sam. It was a fear Eret had but felt it should be done, an alarm crude and loud would sound if Dream so much stepped an inch out of his cell.

"What? No no no, how? How could he? Fuck." Spilled from Eret's lips as there eyes darted around behind the safety of their black out glasses.
"It shouldn't be possible. Unless..." in that moment Eret knew more than ever things would be changing for Dream to escape meant he had help. Someone was willing to help that monster and that was a terrifying thought. Then moving swiftly, with the help of her beacons, Eret slammed the castle doors shut. Maybe it was a small bid to delay the inevitable or deny it was happening at all but Eret simply couldn't ignore the ringing any longer. Sprinting to the balcony in platforms hurt but right in the moment the pain was inconsequential, minutes of running felt like eternity to her. The palace was by no means close to the prison but you could still make it out.

Faintly in the skyline could be seen a couple withers, there screech's filling the air. That at least confirmed who was helping Dream escape, Technoblade and subsequently some part of the syndicate. Faint blobs of humans and hybrids alike could be seen on shore watching erratically at the water whilst dealing with the withers, waiting and waiting. Everyone was waiting for a sign of Dream and whom ever else was escaping Pandoras Vault.

Squinting Eret could see four figures emerge. One was clearly the pink and hulking form of Technoblade clad in netherite amour the same as the set in Eret's pocket dimension. The next figure was clearly Dream sporting an orange jumpsuit a contrast to his previous neon green hoodie but the mask was the same albeit a bit damaged. Next to surface was Ranboo? But that didn't make sense why was Ranboo there, Eret last knew Ranboo to be living in Snowchester not taking residency in prison. Lastly was some guy in a sonic onesie? If weren't for the fact drugs had been banned Eret would've surely thought they were on some from the sight alone. But not even the chaos could effect Eret's mood, unfortunately.

They left the balcony fearing what they might see. Because after everything, all those deaths Eret felt they couldn't stomach anymore death. Fourteen deaths. In her time in the SMP. Fourteen fucking deaths plagued their mind a cruel slideshow on loop in her mind. Something they no longer wanted a part in. But now was no longer the time to be reactive but instead slightly more proactive. Dream would have a hit list Eret concurred of people to see or more likely mess with. Tommy was a high contender after everything, then perhaps George and Sapnap his old friends, maybe Punz or Quackity or Wilbur. She knew that she wouldn't be high on his list but they would be on that list. Dream had done it before when Eret had shown less than desirable bias to his old friends in Dream's opinion.

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