Prologue Two; I fucked my way into this mess, I'll fuck my way out

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*Confusion bestie*

Darkness. That's never a good thing to wake up to. Common knowledge really. Eret attempted to spread their arms out in an attempt to form any semblance of their surroundings until a thud.

"Oh shit." Escaped out of her mouth after realising how enclosed her surroundings where and they began to question what they were in. Until the thought seeped in. Am I in a coffin? That thought seemed stupid at first but the more she thought about it the more it made sense the slight gape of light, the velvet that lined the walls and the few inches the sat above there head making it a 6 foot plus sized coffin.

"Darn, people will come soon! I have to wear the uniform, fast..." the voice seemed to come from below them so either Eret was up high or this new character was extremely short "Nggggh!!! This lid is so heavy. If it has come to this... gonna have to use my last resort!" After this proclamation came tendrils of blue flames getting far to close for Eret's comfort. Seeing the coffin door char she took the opportunity to spring out and escape wherever they were."Ngg.... there!!" Came from the voice again.

Now, Eret sprang out from their confines using a jump boost skidding to a halt on to the dark floor. This movement startled the other creature in the room something they had forgot to account for but to Eret it didn't matter they just wanted to escape and no one was stopping them.
"Huh, gyaaaaーーー!!!! You, why are you awake already!?" Shrieked the creature,
"Ahhha, a fire cat...raccoon...demon thing, WHAT?" Spilled out from Erets lips in pure confusion. Not even the nether had a creature like this so perhaps the best action was to escape.

"Who's the raccoonーーー!!!! I am the great Grim-sama, you know! Oh, well. You, the human over there give me those clothes or else... I'll roast you whole!" The now named Grim seemed to threaten her and honestly she wasn't pleased or impressed by this small, angry creature attempting to scare her but it had made them realise their outfit was in fact not the sleeping robes they wore from last nights events but instead some fancy black robe with purple and gold accents. Fashionable at least if not slightly cultish, and Eret knew a bit too much about cults. But the more Eret thought the more problems arose. And so in a moment of panic and anger Eret began panic talking.

"A demon raccoon threatening me what kind of dream is this, what in the name of prime is going on? Where am I, tell me before I put a sword through you" the sword threat was a lie Eret didn't think they could bare to see a shred of blood. But she was still extremely confused. They decided now would be the best time to leave as Grim seemed caught up on their questioning.
"Anyways, peace out" she yelled a bit louder than intended and bolted like her life was on the line and most of the time it was.
"Oi, wait!" Could be heard faintly as she ran from the coffin room.

Running through these stone corridors remained Eret inherently of their own home, the pride palace, but staring deeper Eret could assess they where in some type of school due to the rooms full of chairs and desks. But it felt so different to her home it seemed colder and far more unwelcoming as if these walls house truly unhappy people. It was sad. The further they had run had lead them to a courtyard. It was nighttime which correlated with the time she was taken but the thing that set off the alarm bells was the stars in the sky. The constellations where different there was no lady of death, no XD and she wasn't even there. It felt wrong. But Eret couldn't stay still for long less they wanted to lose the lead she may possibly have on Grim if he was chasing them. But soon they entered a library and it was beautiful like the old ones that where hidden in strongholds.
Bookcases climbed to the ceiling with lamps hung on the corners of the bookshelves. The floating books confirmed the theory that this place also had magic. The library was beautiful, but Eret could never have anything nice.

"Thought you could run away from my nose, you pathetic human?" Human was probably a bad descriptor for Eret but more pressing matters occurred as Grim skidded to a stop right behind where she was staring and sent a small blast of flames towards them. Eret themselves where mostly unharmed by the flames but there glasses could not be any different laying shattered on the ground. Upon that realisation the hood was pulled over their head in a weak attempt to hide her eyes. Yet in her panic the demon cat continued,
Tough luck. Now gimme those clothes if you don't wanna be roasted alive!" And Eret still couldn't process the sudden loss of the comfort of her glasses only offering a weak "ah," in response
"I said —fugya!?" both of them jumped as what looked like a long snake whipped out of the darkness around Grim's small stomach. "Ouch! What's with this string!?" Came the cries of Grim.

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