Heartslabyul Three; Why must I be here

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* men am i right *

Eret lifted their gaze up from her food to see— you'll never guess who, Heartslabyul's Dorm Leader standing directly behind Ace. Ace did not notice, only waving his hand flippantly, "Yeah, the worst! Gimme a break. Only a tyrant would keep up with those kinda rules. That guy's crazy." With each word Eret felt her soul leaving their body.

"A-Ace, look behind you!" Deuce wheezed.

He did, and they could all see the color leave his face instantly. "Gah! Pre— Prefect!"

"Hey there, Riddle!" Cater quickly amended in an attempt to diffuse the situation, "You're looking crazy cute today, as always!"

So this was Riddle Rosehearts. The elusive 'tyrant'. Eret had only gotten a half decent look at him but he was rather aesthetically pretty, almost doll-like. He had warm red hair that framed his face nicely with two strands of hair crating a heart shape; rather fitting to his last name fit him remarkably well. "Hmph. Cater, if you talk too much, it's going to cost you your head."

"Come on now, gimme a break!"

Grim clung onto her, wrinkling his nose. Not noticing her sudden discomfort. "That's the guy who put that weird collar on me during the ceremony!"

"You two are the ones who caused a ruckus a couple of days ago, aren't you?" Those keen, grey eyes of his swept the table, before landing on Grim. He crossed his arms and said, "Could you refrain from referring to someone's Unique Magic as weird?"

When he talked, Eret noted how he held himself with such grace. Maybe it wasn't grace, but more like arrogance? No, he wasn't looking down on them. Or maybe... Pride. The same way Dream liked to talk at times. She saw the way his brows furrowed when his Unique Magic was called weird. "The things coming out his mouth don't suit his looks..." Ace whispered.

"The headmaster appears to have forgiven you but make no mistake, the next time it happens, I will not." Riddle glared at them both, Grim mostly. That was far Grim was the main trouble maker out of the duo.

Ace broke the tension and intervened as politely as possible. "...By the way, dorm leader, is there any way...you could, say, remove this collar?"

Riddle gave a side-eye glance. "I was going to if you had learned your lesson, but the way you were just talking shows that you haven't at all. Keep it on for a little while longer. Don't worry. As first years you'll only be learning fundamentals, not actually using magic."

"You also won't be able to cause a scene like yesterday, isn't that great? Now don't just sit around chatting away, finish your lunch and head to your next class. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 271: "One should eat lunch and leave their seat within 15 minutes". If you break the rules... I'm sure you understand?"

"Hah, another weird rule..." Ace sighed.

"The answer is, "Yes, dorm leader!""

Both first years shouted together, "Yes, dorm leader!"

He nodded, satisfied. "Very good."

"I'll look after them for you." Trey assured.

"...Hm. You're the vice dorm leader so I'd expect you to not act foolishly. Following the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 339: "After finishing a meal one must always drink a lemon tea with two sugars." Riddle said before walking off, muttering to himself. "I must go buy sugar cubes from the school store, so I'll be on my way. Letting the sugar cubes run out is a huge offense, I can't believe..."

As soon as his back was turned, Eret heard dripping from afar but it vanished. It was weird perhaps it had something to do with their dream, a warning maybe. They wouldn't dwell on it.

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